Support a long-term worker
MCC is committed to financially supporting long-term workers during their assignment. When you make a gift in support of a friend or loved one serving with MCC, your gift will go toward the costs of the program that your friend or loved one works with.

Support a SALTer
Your contribution to the Serving and Learning Together (SALT) program supports a young adult from Canada or the U.S. in a cross-cultural assignment.

Support an IVEPer
Your gift to the International Volunteer Exchange(IVEP) program offers young adults from 30 countries around the world the opportunity for a one year vocational and cultural experience in Canada or the United States.

Support YAMEN workers
A gift to the Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network (YAMEN) program helps expand the fellowship between churches in the Anabaptist tradition and develop young leaders around the globe.

Support Seed workers
Your donation to Seed supports young adults in a two-year program as they build a multicultural team focused on service, reflection and advocacy while living and working alongside a community.
Give a gift where needed most
Every donation makes a difference.