Peace & Friendship program
Located at the Tatamagouche Centre in Nova Scotia, the Peace & Friendship project raises awareness and enables healing through Peace & Friendship gatherings. Last year, MCC supported the construction of a traditional long house for ceremonial gatherings.

St. Stephen's University
SSU’s Reconciliation Studies Certificate program provides a rich and immersive experience in Indigenous history, culture, ceremony and values. MCC provides financial support for the practical land-based components of the curriculum and for the Indigenous elders who facilitate the program.

Kits and comforters
People from Petitcodiac Mennonite Church and the Church of Christ in Digby provide comforters and relief kits for those in need around the world. You can too!
MCC resources are designed to help you, your family, your class or congregation learn, pray and take action on issues that matter. With videos, readings, activities, toolkits and more, we hope you find something that encourages or nourishes you!
Give a gift where needed most
Every donation makes a difference.