Every Action Counts

This Canadian election season pledge to listen, speak and act for the good of our neighbors

People gathered around a table eating together


Elections offer an occasion to consider the political implications of our values – an opportunity for our faith convictions and hopes for the world to be reflected in public. But what if we considered EVERY action as a vote for the kind of society we want to live in? This perspective can offer us a new outlook on how we show up in the world every day, during an election and beyond – especially when it comes to divisive topics and political events that are out of our control.

This election season and beyond, there are things that we can do, based on the values we hold and the people we care about, that will make a difference. Jesus calls us to love our enemies and our neighbours, feed the hungry, and seek justice for the vulnerable. An election is the perfect time to practice these skills in ways that go far beyond the voting box and strengthen our relationships with one another.

Join us in taking the following pledge. We’ll share these commitments from compassionate Canadians like you with our elected officials and ask them to uphold the same practices as they govern.

I commit to loving my neighbours in the following ways:  
     • Listen with curiosity and compassion  
     • Speak with authenticity and integrity  
     • Act for the good of my community, here at home and around the world

Sign this commitment and we will send you some simple tools to help you in your journey!

Sign the pledge and get resources