Why we advocate
In order to do our work of relief, development and peacebuilding, it’s important that MCC also works to address the systems and policies that contribute to poverty and injustice. Advocacy is how we do that.
Our advocacy work is rooted in the understanding that we are called by God to be a voice with and for the oppressed and marginalized. We take our inspiration from the biblical witness of Moses, Esther, John the Baptist, the prophets and Jesus himself.
At MCC we base our advocacy on what we hear from workers and partners on the ground; we believe loving our neighbors means their voices shape our message to governments.
Some of our advocacy work includes:
- Analyzing policies from an Anabaptist perspective
- Meeting with legislators and diplomats
- Petitions and letter-writing campaigns
Praying for government officials - Read about the Biblical basis for advocacy

Canada Peace & Justice Office
The Peace & Justice Office is MCC’s voice to the Canadian government, advocating for policies that support our work of relief, development and peacebuilding.
We carry out peace and justice work across Canada and engage Canadians to build awareness, foster dialogue, and invite people to take action.

U.S. National Peace & Justice Ministries
National Peace and Justice Ministries (NPJM) staff engage with Anabaptists and policymakers in the U.S. to educate and advocate. We strive for more welcoming communities and a more peaceful and just world.
We can’t do this work alone. Join us!

United Nations Office
Based in New York City, the MCC United Nations Office is a platform for church and MCC partners across the world to advocate, communicate and educate regarding social and political policies and practices that promote justice, peace and reconciliation.

Ontario advocacy
MCC advocates for policies that contribute to peace and justice in Ontario. We work directly with people impacted by poverty and injustice and find ways government policies and programs can be improved to ensure everyone can live a life of dignity and free of poverty.
Take action today
Advocacy is an important way you can help build a just and more peaceful world. We’d love to help you get started!
Write a letter, sign up for an event, invite MCC staff to speak at your event or learn more about an issue that matters to you.
Take action today!
Explore MCC advocacy events online and near you! Our webinars, trainings and live and virtual events can help you learn more, connect with others and advocate on the issues that matter to you in your own community and around the world.
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