Undercurrents - Ep 29 - Together, we can! (or how, how an impossible mission keeps producing)

On January 18, 2025, a brand new 10,000 square foot facility had its grand opening at the MCC Hub in New Hamburg, Ontario. Over 700 people of all ages including local dignitaries and politicians, came out to tour the place, eating bushels of popcorn, drinking gallons of coffee, and generally creating the most festive atmosphere you could imagine for the opening of an industrial canning facility. Why the excitement? Because this was MCC’s new Stationary Meat Cannery.
We hear from Jon Lebold, Martin Rahn, and Dylan Yantzi about the early challenges, the recent challenges and how this project “kept drawing in miracles."
Read more about the new stationary cannery here.
Support MCC’s meat canning here.
Undercurrents is sponsored in part by Kindred Credit Union - they know a thing or two about putting faith and values into action!
This episode was edited by Christen Kong
Theme music by Brian MacMillan
Cover art by Jesse Bergen