Writing Strong Proposals for Summer Service

Summer Service leadership program is a grant opportunity for church and nonprofit leaders who want to support the development of strong, young adult leaders of color in their communities.

Ready to apply? Go straight to our Application page.

Frequently asked questions

MCC Summer Service Program works with young adults of color who:

  • are between the ages of 18-30 
  • are not pastors 
  • show commitment to peacebuilding, social justice and nonviolence 
  • have not already participated in two years of the program.

MCC’s Summer Service program partners with constituent churches or organizations that:

  • are churches/organizations of color with the capacity to supervise and invest in a young adult from their community either 20 or 40 hours per week  
  • show a commitment to peacebuilding, social justice and nonviolence in their proposals 
  • approach their work through an anti-racist and anti-oppression lens 
  • have creative proposals that encourage strengthening leadership capabilities in young adults 
  • focus on community engagement and community building. 

No. Summer Service only takes place in the four regions of MCC U.S. If you live in Canada, check out MCC’s Summerbridge program. If you live outside the U.S. and Canada, check out our IVEP or YAMEN programs.

We welcome proposals from all churches and organizations. Proposals receiving priority consideration include:

  • Proposals from Anabaptist related churches and organizations

  • Proposals which incorporate peacebuilding within their programming. This includes but is not limited to: food justice, creation care, restorative justice, and supporting displaced peoples

  • Proposals with significant focus on leadership development for young adult participants 

  • Invest in young adult leaders 

  • Connect young adults with their local communities

  • Promote Anabaptist theologies of service, community, and peacebuilding

  • Affirm the resources, wisdom and strengths of churches and communities of color

Partnering organizations apply to MCC for a grant based on whether the participant will be part- or full-time in the program. With the grant, MCC covers 75% of the total compensation and the partnering church or organization will contribute 25%. See the following breakdown based on the 2024 base rate of $15.41/hr:

Partner congregation/organization contribution:

Part Time (20 hours/week): $770.50

Full Time (40 hours/week): $1541


MCC grant contribution:

Part Time (20 hours/week):  $2,311.50

Full Time (40 hours/week): $4,623


Total Program Cost:

Part Time (20 hours/week): $3,082

Full Time (40 hours/week): $6,164

MCC bases the amount of the awarded grants on: 

  • an annual cost of living evaluation which is finalized in March of each year
  • the time commitment stated in the proposal (20 or 40 hour per week ) and 
  • an estimated hourly wage of $15.41/hr. In cities where the minimum wage is greater than that, MCC and the partner organization ought to base their contributions on the minimum wage instead.

Note: In the event a partner organization is unable to contribute their full 25% of the participant’s compensation, MCC may be able to assist.

To learn more about Summer Service for participants and churches or organizations, download the handbook in English (PDF) or in Spanish (PDF).

Anything from working at a summer peace camp or an urban garden to serving as a pastoral intern or an immigration or health educator – whatever fits with the vision or dream of your church or organization!

Improve your leadership skills with the help of a mentor. Serve God and your local community. Earn money and build your resume all at the same time.

Ask your church or a local community organization to submit a project proposal. Once that’s done, you will receive a Summer Service application to complete. You can get the proposal and the application, or by emailing summerservice@mcc.org.

Watch our recorded webinar that discusses what MCC looks for in a successful proposal and how to develop one.

Summer Service stories

Dive into the transformative stories from our Summer Service program. From peace camps to urban gardens, pastoral internships to refugee education, these stories highlight the impact of young adults making a difference in their communities.

Want to know more?

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