A graphic explaining how many kits were shipped and what countries received them
A photo of a young girl receiving school supplies


Meet six-year-old Anastasia, a young girl who, along with her mother Lyudmila, are internally displaced from a village in Ukraine’s Kherson region. In the midst of conflict and uncertainty, your donation of school supplies has brought a ray of hope into Anastasia’s world.

A girl standing outside of a school holding a school kit

South Sudan

The contents of a single school kit could cost a parent more than a month’s salary. Because your donation of supplies, the process of learning is made easier for students like Rebecca at Saint Mary’s Primary School in South Sudan.

School children who attend a school run by MCC partner, Association for the Promotion of Education (APE), in North Kanem, Chad.


In Chad, school kit donations are essential as supplies are scarce and expensive for parents to buy, making education a challenging journey. Because of your school kit donations, these school children are able to keep learning with many going on to higher levels of education.

A boy standing with an MCC School Kit in a classroom


Thanks to your generous donation of school kit supplies, kids like Bafala at the Dzaleka Refugee Camp can attend school. Refugees in this camp grapple with accessing basic necessities, including education.