Relief sales
Looking for auctions, craft sales or delicious food? Relief sales are some of our favorite ways to connect with communities around the U.S. and Canada while raising funds for our global work.

Relief sales are a great way to get involved, connect with your community and support the meaningful work MCC is doing around the world. Find an MCC relief sale near you!
Relief sale stories
Meet the amazing volunteers who make our relief sales possible through running auctions, making food and helping the events run smoothly. Hear firsthand what they love best about relief sales (it might be the food) and why they keep coming back.

Want to help out with a relief sale?
We’re always looking for new volunteers. By volunteering, not only will you take part in a fun community event, but you will also be helping MCC to keep meeting urgent needs around the world.
Give a gift where needed most
Every donation makes a difference.