Gather your colleagues for a half-day immersive experience through a guided tour of the museum exhibit titled "Leaving Canada: The Mennonite Migration to Mexico." This limited-time exhibit explores the history and motivations behind the migration of Low German-speaking Mennonites to Mexico and their return to Canada.

Mar 22 - Mar 22, 2024

Friday, March 22
8:30AM - 12:00PM EDT

The Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives
75 Talbot St E.
Aylmer ON N5H 1H3

Get directions

An old photograph of several school children standing in front of a wooden building with one adult among them. An old photograph of several school children standing in front of a wooden building with one adult among them.
Gain a comprehensive overview of the history and cultural sensitivities of the diverse group known as Low German-speaking Mennonites. The webinar is ideal for public service providers wanting to refresh or enhance their understanding in order to improve their services.

Friday, March 01
9:00AM - 12:00PM EST

Virtual event
A young lady with a white apron uses a rolling pin to roll out dough. A young lady with a white apron uses a rolling pin to roll out dough.
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