As any bystander witnessing a potentially harmful situation knows, discerning how to move from passive observation to effective action is not easy. Training Active Bystanders (TAB) equips participants with the tools they need to prevent harm-doing and contribute to a healthier community.

Wednesday, April 24
9:30AM - 12:00PM EDT

Community Meeting Room
50 Kent Ave.
Kitchener ON N2G 3R1

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A flipchart stands in the foreground with people chatting in the background. A flipchart stands in the foreground with people chatting in the background.
There's no shortage of things to see, do and taste at the 58th annual New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale, where funds raised support the work of MCC at home and around the world. Come for the food, stay for the auctions. See you at the 58th annual relief sale! See you at the fairgrounds!

May 30 - May 31, 2025

Friday, May 30
5:30 - 9:30PM EDT

New Hamburg Fairgrounds
251 Jacob St, , ON
New Hamburg ON N3A 1B9

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A photo from several feet in the air which shows several tents, a grandstand, and visitors on the ground. A photo from several feet in the air which shows several tents, a grandstand, and visitors on the ground.
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