Gather your colleagues for a half-day immersive experience through a guided tour of the museum exhibit titled "Leaving Canada: The Mennonite Migration to Mexico." This limited-time exhibit explores the history and motivations behind the migration of Low German-speaking Mennonites to Mexico and their return to Canada.
The Aylmer-Malahide Museum & Archives
75 Talbot St E.
Aylmer ON N5H 1H3
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Gain a comprehensive overview of the history and cultural sensitivities of the diverse group known as Low German-speaking Mennonites. The webinar is ideal for public service providers wanting to refresh or enhance their understanding in order to improve their services.
Friday, March 01
9:00AM - 12:00PM EST
Virtual event
Attend a special heifer auction to raise funds to support the work of MCC through the Pennsylvania Mennonite Relief Sale. Contributions of livestock and cash are welcomed as well!
Wednesday, March 20
12:00 - 2:00PM EDT
New Holland Sales Stable
101 West Fulton St.
New Holland, PA 17557
United States
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This Camp will happen in conjunction with the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) Conference. We will focus on learning what the Bible says about justice, how the Church is called to live justly and what it means for our lives today.
Portland, OR
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This peace camp will dive into the creative ways to implement justice in local communities. Visiting with experienced practitioners in Chicago and studying restorative justice approaches together, we will witness how transformation is possible.
Chicago, IL
United States
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