You are invited to an MCC relief kit-packing event in
support of people who are caught in conflict and
displaced from their homes.
Sunday, February 23
2:00 - 3:30PM CST
ConneXion Church
342 First Avenue
Arborg MB R1A 1S7
Get directions

All are welcome, so please bring your kids/grandkids or invite a friend! We will be assembling hygiene kits to help bring assistance and hope to families in places like Syria, Ukraine, Gaza, Jordan and Sudan.
Come for all or part of the time. Our goal is to pack 800 kits! Refreshments will be provided.
RVSP below. If you can’t commit in advance, don’t hesitate to just stop in. We’d love your help and to meet you!
Questions? Reach out to Rebecca Janzen at or call 204-261-6381.