MCC BC Comes to You
Bringing MCC BC Workshops, Presentations, and More to Your Community
The staff from MCC have a wide range of passion and expertise, and they're eager to share with your church, school or event.

I really do believe that the local church is the hope of the world. The church is God’s “Plan A” for his will be to done on earth as it is in heaven. MCC BC Comes to You reflects our commitment to resource and empower the mission of the local congregation to bring healing and hope to our world in the name of Christ.
MCC BC Comes to You is a convenient summary of the various presentations, seminars and experiences MCC BC staff are eager to make available to your congregation at no cost to your church. These can be tailored for weekend worship gatherings, retreats, leadership seminars or almost any group in your church (young adults, women’s/men’s groups, senior’s groups, youth, etc.)
For further information or to inquire about reserving an MCC BC Comes to You session, please either fill out the website form at the bottom of this page or contact me directly. I would love to assist you in finding the right resource to meet your congregational needs.

Karen Heidebrecht Thiessen
Church and Community Engagement Manager
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) British Columbia

Brett Van Bergen | Circle of Friends Program Associate
I believe that what we do for the vulnerable, we do for Christ. This core belief has led to my calling to work alongside people who have experienced homelessness. My studies at Columbia Bible College (Biblical Studies and Counselling), my employment experience at the Cyrus Centre (youth emergency shelter and a group home for teenage boys), as well as creating and conducting research on the link between rising housing costs and homelessness have helped lead me to coordinating Circle of Friends. Circle of Friends is a unique, innovative program that fills the need for community and belonging that is integral for a successful transition from homelessness and into housing.
- Homelessness Crisis: How We Got Here and Ways Forward
This presentation gives an overview of the causes of homelessness as well as practical and exciting ideas for helpful ways to respond as individuals and as a church. - Vulnerable People and Homelessness: Stories and Illustrations
This interactive presentation intended for youth and young adults demonstrates the vulnerabilities that people face that may lead to homelessness. Through storytelling and interactive activities, participants will grow in their understanding of the role that privilege, or lack thereof, plays in the experience of homelessness. This 20-30 minute session could be incorporated into a youth or young adult night. - Setting up a “Circle of Friends” at your church
How can some of the principles used in the Circle of Friends program be implemented in your local church and community context? This practical and interactive seminar is geared for ministry leaders with a desire to help those striving to transition out of homelessness.

Bridget Findlay | Indigenous Neighbours Program Coordinator
My passion is to build respectful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people by facilitating education sessions and supporting connections between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. I work with church groups, school groups and community groups who are interested in learning about and working at reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and considering the current issues Indigenous people face today. My own ancestry is European and Creek Native American.
- KAIROS Blanket Exercise
An experiential workshop that explores the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. Blankets arranged on the floor represent land and participants are invited to step into the roles of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. This activity works best for groups of 15-40 people and ages 16 and older and takes 1.5-2 hours. - Indigenous 101: Learn the Basics
A general introduction to the story and experience of Indigenous people in Canada and the challenges and opportunities this provides for relationship building and reconciliation. This seminar provides a safe place to learn and ask questions. - You Got Booked
A life-sized board game experience in which participants are assigned identities and resources which will impact their outcomes throughout the activity. These identities highlight the advantages and disadvantages that groups of people face based on their race, gender, citizenship status, culture, age, community and criminal background. This activity works well for groups of 8-24 people and takes approximately 1.5 hours.

Ed Brett | Chief Operating Officer
I bring 30 years of experience working in complex for-profit service organizations and 10 years as board chair of an international agency focused on sustainable water infrastructure in Africa to my role as COO at MCC. I find my work with social enterprises (MCC Thrift Shops) and administrative teams within MCC to be inspiring as I get to witness the diverse, complex and sometimes beautiful and battered ways the body of Christ can work together to confront urgent needs in creative ways. I love equipping teams and individuals as they live more fully into their calling to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
- The Great Restoration: A sermon based on Psalm 126
An opportunity to consider how simple acts of restoration in MCC Thrift Shops reflect the glorious restoration of God’s creatures to their true purpose. - MCC Centre Tour
A 45-60 minute tour of one of the most unique non-profit centres in Canada. Learn about MCC’s provincial and international work while you visit the Material Resources Warehouse, where goods are assembled and shipped around the world; the Quilt Shop, where dedicated artisans create intricate works of art; and “Santa’s Workshop,” where over 400 volunteers restore, rebuild, and renew almost anything. Suitable for small groups and tailored by age. Located at MCC Centre (33933 Gladys Ave, Abbotsford, BC). - MCC Spotlight
A 5-10 minute introduction to the local and international impact of MCC, including practical opportunities to get involved, hosted in the lobby of MCC Centre (33933 Gladys Ave, Abbotsford, BC). - Scaling The Mountain
A 2-3 hour interactive in-person workshop for non-profit directors and managers on how to start-up, scale and optimize non-profit operations, including learning the best practices and “gotchas” for non-profit governance, finance, HR, strategy/planning, and culture-building, to answer the question “How do we run this thing?”

Jane Njogu | Homelessness Outreach & Prevention Coordinator
My faith in Jesus Christ is the driving force behind what I do. Jesus’ words in Matthew 25 inspired me to use my professional background in banking to assist MCC in developing the first Rent Bank in BC.
The Rent Bank is a program that assists in eviction and homelessness prevention by providing interest free loans or grants to maintain housing stability or assist in funding individuals or families to acquire housing. It has now been implemented throughout BC. Nine years ago, I also started a weekly BBQ meal for people experiencing homelessness in our neighbourhood. The goal was to create space and to build trust so that we can provide holistic services that will support their journey of healing. I enjoy presenting, telling stories and interacting with small groups where there is plenty of space for questions and responses.
- Practical Ways to Build Relationships with People Experiencing Homelessness
Join us at the Abbotsford MCC Centre for the weekly MCC BBQ for individuals experiencing homelessness. Enjoy conversation and activities with participants and then have an opportunity to debrief together about the experience at the end of the evening. - Responding to Homelessness in your Neighbourhood
The goal of this seminar is to equip and support you to address homelessness in your community. This includes practical ideas for listening well and responding in helpful ways. This is an interactive opportunity that can be shaped by your particular questions and concerns.

Jennifer Mpungu, RCIC | Migration & Resettlement Program Coordinator
Before immigrating to Canada 21 years ago, I spent ten years as a diplomat and then worked in the not-for–profit sector in Kenya. It was here that I was first exposed to the magnitude of the global refugee crisis when working with CARE International in the Dadaab Refugee camp, the largest such camp in the world. Since 2005, I have given leadership to the refugee work of MCC BC where I equip and partner with congregations, families, and diverse community groups to sponsor refugees from overseas while advocating for refugee rights and policies that support newcomers in Canada. I consider myself blessed to be in a position where I can combine ministry and my passion.
- Radical Hospitality: Learning to Welcome the Stranger
This refection explores a biblical response to migration that reflects the character of God. It focuses on the intersection of the story of God’s people in Exodus and the ongoing story of displacement today. Suitable for weekend worship gatherings or other church groups. - Refugee Sponsorship Seminar
What is involved in sponsoring a refugee family? This is an opportunity to get information and ask questions to assess the possibility of your organization making a difference in the life of a displaced family. This also works well with small groups of individuals who are considering this possibility. - Stories of Losing and Finding Home: A Refugee’s Experience
An opportunity to hear stories of the refugee experience that open our hearts to welcoming them into a new experience of “home” among us.

Jill Luesink | End Abuse Program Associate
I come to my work with MCC End Abuse with an extensive background in women’s ministry and counselling rooted in Christian ministry. I enjoy working with women through mentoring, speaking, facilitating small groups, grief support and pastoral care. Unravelling the many misconceptions about relationship abuse, especially in church communities, is a particular passion for me.
- Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationship
A single evening or a series that focuses on learning to love yourself as you love your neighbour by knowing when to say “yes” and how to say “no.” - Speaking at Women’s Events and Retreats
Potential topics include:- Emotional Health and the Spiritual Woman
- The Beauty of Community
- Red Flags: Noticing unhealthy traits in dating relationships
- Necessary Grief: Facing our losses to move forward in life

Jodi Enns | Conflict Management Consultant
As a consultant, mediator and college instructor, I love to leverage curiosity to help individuals cultivate insights that can get them “unstuck” from their conflicts. I was raised as a pastor's kid (Bruce Enns) and I have a background in pastoral ministries. My ministry experiences have heightened my awareness of conflict in faith communities while simultaneously deepening my empathy for those who find themselves in these spaces. I am passionate about harnessing conflict to actively build peace. I have earned a master’s degree in Conflict Analysis & Management from Royal Roads University, and I am a Qualified Mediator recognized by the ADR Institute of Canada. I am also an Associate at Transpectives Consulting Inc.
- Becoming Peacebuilders
A workshop of up to 1 hour, including time for discussion and Q&A. As followers of Jesus who commissions us to be “agents of reconciliation,” learn the importance of shifting from merely "keeping the peace" to actively building peace. By engaging conflict with curiosity, develop the skills to utilize conflict as an opportunity for transformation in your day-to-day relationships. - Harnessing Conflict for Transformation
An engaging and interactive 2-3 hour workshop where participants develop practical skills to manage and transform conflict effectively, advancing their journey to building peace. This is a helpful introduction for groups of all sorts including boards or church staff.

Karen Heidebrecht Thiessen | Church and Community Engagement
I have always had a deep love for the church and a passionate commitment to see the church engaged and fully identified with God’s mission in the world. I am happy to bring my experience of several decades in pastoral ministry and denominational leadership with the Mennonite Brethren and Mennonite denominations, as well as my experience as Dean of Students at Columbia Bible College to the work that I am now doing with MCC. It is my goal for MCC to more effectively come alongside congregations to support them in their ministry calling.
- Gospel-Centered Ministry: Across the Street and Around the World - Colossians 1:15-23
This sermon examines Scripture to explore the relationship between our grasp and experience of God’s atoning grace in Christ and our heart for justice and the poor. When the gospel is expounded and applied in all its fullness, people will find in it an attractive, electrifying balance of moral conviction and compassion. Suitable for weekend worship services or other church group gatherings. - Peace is a Call to Action: Becoming Peacemakers, Not Peacekeepers - 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Jesus’ life and death were the most wonderfully disruptive events our world has ever known. Jesus did not come to “keep the peace” but rather to speak peace so boldly, and to embody peace with such loving authority that it eventually led him to the cross. How is Jesus inviting us to be radically identified and completely committed to becoming part of his life transforming peace-making mission in this world? Suitable for weekend worship gatherings or other church groups. - The Hands and Feet of Jesus: MCC’s Mission and Vision
A 20-30 minute storytelling session using images and video to provide an overview of MCC’s work around the world. Small group conversation can be incorporated if desired. - MCC Spotlight
A brief introduction to the local and international impact of MCC, including practical opportunities to get involved. It includes a 5-10 minute talk, and a lobby display. - Vulnerable and Fierce: Women Transforming Communities
“When you change the life of one woman, you change the life of a family and a community.” Using engaging video resources interspersed with table talk questions, this interactive resource provides an opportunity to explore MCC’s development work through the stories of several women in Zimbabwe and another right here in BC. This resource can be used for small groups, women’s groups or even a weekend worship gathering with round table seating. - Our Shared Future: An Experiential Climate Action Learning Activity
This activity works best for groups of 15-40 people and can be completed in a 60-90 minute timeframe. In this activity, you will be in a small group figuring out how to respond to an impending climate disaster. You will be assigned a role to play and be given a budget to work with. This exercise helps us understand the complex impact of our responses and the significance of collaboration.

Kojo Kyei | Community Development Coordinator - Prince George
I have been involved in various forms of missionary and outreach work including door-to-door evangelism in rural parts of Africa and supporting newcomers as they settle in Canada. I also have a master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies with a focus on Community Based Action Research. This background drew me to my current role of Community Development with the goal of building Communities of Peace. I am passionate about the church making a holistic difference in people’s lives that includes the spiritual, physical and emotional. Since I am headquartered in MCC Prince George, I am especially available to churches in Central and Northern BC.
- Bridging the Divide between Church and Community
How can churches live out the Gospel more effectively in their community? What is Asset-Based Community Development, and how can it help your church build organic and meaningful relationships in your city? This interactive presentation includes biblical reflection, storytelling and practical tools. - Responding to Food Insecurity in your Community
Beginning with the biblical mandate to care for the poor, this seminar for ministry leaders will thoughtfully engage them in developing a greater understanding of the challenges around addressing food insecurity in their context. It will include practical steps your church can take to respond helpfully to your city's needs.

Lydia Fawcett | End Abuse Coordinator
I have been working with the MCC BC End Abuse Program since 2018. Before coming to MCC, I worked for the Yukon Government in Family and Children’s Services for 2 years and the BC Government in Ministry of Children and Family Development for 25 years in roles ranging from child protection worker to Acting Director. During those years, I also worked in Aboriginal Child Welfare for 10 years. I am passionate about providing safe relational spaces for women and men where they can find connection, support, and encouragement to learn new skills and behaviours with others who are also on a journey toward wholeheartedness.
- Relationships with Integrity
This interactive training is based on a recent video by Matt and Beth Redman called “Let there be Light.” It is an opportunity to explore topics such as grooming, power dynamics, etc. in a church setting. It is ideally suited for a 1.5 to 3-hour training course for church and ministry leaders. - Intimate Partner Violence
This presentation gives an overview of the dynamics that are part of violence in a family setting. This is an opportunity for your congregation to become informed and aware of helpful ways to respond. This session is ideal for small groups. - Initiating Support Groups
If you would like to initiate support groups for women experiencing intimate partner violence in your church and community, we are happy to provide you with resourcing and coaching on an ongoing basis.

Michelle Hardy | New Foundations Program Coordinator - Victoria
I bring a wide range of cross-cultural experiences to my work with MCC, including working with marginalized youth, international students, peace and reconciliation initiatives in Northern Ireland and Rwanda, as well as wilderness experiences. I work with newcomers to Canada to build on their knowledge and skills and to strengthen their social networks. In doing so, we work together to address child poverty and food insecurity. I am primarily available for presentations in Victoria and Vancouver Island and occasionally in the Lower Mainland.
- Introduction to New Foundations
Learn how this program for Canadian newcomers is addressing issues of child poverty and food insecurity in Victoria. Consider ways you could support and be involved, or even start a chapter in your own city! - Newcomer Stories
Hear firsthand from newcomers to Canada about their experience and get a sense of how your church can become a more welcoming place.

Nick Schuurman | Rent Bank
For most of my adult life, I have worked as a Mennonite pastor. My work with the church has always been part-time and has been paired with different forms of frontline support work. I have supported people with disabilities and helped run an employment training program for at-risk youth and young adults. In my current role with the Rent Bank, I work with landlords, tenants, and unhoused people in the midst of a housing crisis. I appreciate that the Rent Bank is a very practical form of support for people who find themselves at risk of eviction.
- And No One Will Make Them Afraid: A Vision of Home in the Midst of a Housing Crisis
A reflection based on Micah 4 suitable for weekend worship gatherings or other events. - Christ Disguised in Distress: Encountering Jesus with People Experiencing Crisis
A biblical reflection based on Matthew 25:31-46 and suitable for church group events as well as weekend worship gatherings. - Printmaking and Peacemaking: An Interactive Artmaking Workshop
Learn about ways that the visual arts have played a role in various Christian nonviolent movements, then make and take home your own block print. This workshop can be geared to all ages and abilities.