Edmonton Thrift Relocation and Expansion
A Place to Call Home

The heart of Mennonite Central Committee’s work is communities helping communities.
MCC Alberta is so blessed for the community that supports Edmonton Thrift. We are excited to share a new journey that we are embarking on. Edmonton Thrift is moving to a new location that will provide a stable future with a vision of growth. This move will also further the current partnerships we have in Edmonton and provide a place for those who are connected to MCC to call home.
Thrift has grown into a more integral part of MCC’s overall mission. Last fiscal year, nearly 38 million dollars was donated by MCC Thrift shops in Canada and the U.S. to support MCC’s international work. Thrift is the second largest source of funds for MCC’s international programming. As MCC looks for ways to engage younger generations, thrift has become an important connection point.
You can support the new home for Edmonton Thrift square by square!
Working towards relief, development and peace in our communities and around the world happens one square at a time.
Join our Square Foot Fundraiser for Edmonton Thrift! For every $25 that is donated, 1 square foot is funded.
Help us raise $500,000 to cover transition and renovation costs, to fulfil our commitment to MCC Canada/International program from the Edmonton store, and put Edmonton Thrift in a position of profitability as soon as possible.
Sponsor a Square Foot
What will your investment in Thrift look like?
Thrift is the face of MCC Alberta in the communities that we work in. This investment will position. Edmonton Thrift more visibly and give it a space to further its local impact. The relocation is projected to lead to a 3-fold increase in net sales. Your investment will help to cover the transition and renovation costs, leading to more support being forwarded to MCC international.
This investment has positive ripple effects for MCC Alberta. We talked about Thrift’s local impact above. This move will also further MCC’s relationships with partners and churches. The building will act as a place for MCC partners to meet, for MCC Alberta staff in Edmonton to call home, and for connected churches to gather and engage in the work of MCC. It will be a place for MCC Alberta to become even more embedded in the Edmonton Community!
Why move? Why now?
This is an intentional move to increase the impact of thrift and create an MCC Centre within Edmonton. The new location puts us into a neighbourhood with both commercial and residential property, allowing us to reach more shoppers and supporters.

With the roadway construction that has taken place over the past year on the Yellowhead Highway, access to the location has been severely limited. This has had a dramatic impact on the sales and support the store has been able to provide for MCC’s broader work.
In 2023 we worked with U of A Business students to help identify a possible new location for Edmonton Thrift. We were looking for a location with higher traffic, public transportation access and closer to the volunteer base. This location checks off all of those boxes.
This is an opportunity to increase the visibility of Edmonton Thrift and become the pacesetter for Thrift in Alberta.