Advocacy Toolkit (U.S.)

Advocacy is key to MCC’s relief, development, and peacebuilding work — it’s how we address the policies and systems that perpetuate poverty and injustice around the world.

Learn more about how advocacy works in the U.S. By downloading the step-by-step toolkit below, you will learn how to contact your legislators and meet with them, how a bill becomes a law, and about the Biblical basis for advocacy. 

Join us for an evening of stories

Friday, March 08
6:00 - 8:15PM PST

Willow Park Church
439 Hwy 33
Kelowna BC V1X 1Y2

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Lady in foreground Lady in foreground

Please join us for an evening in celebration of God's transformational work in communities around the world.


6:00 PM, Friday, March 8, 2024

Kelowna, BC
Willow Park Church, 439 Hwy 33, Kelowna, BC V1X 1Y2


Punch & Appetizers
Catch up with old friends and meet new ones

Dinner is served buffet-style 
Enjoy a delicious meal catered by Karen Bergen

Join us for an evening of stories

Thursday, March 07
6:00 - 8:15PM PST

South Langley Church
20098 22 Ave
Langley BC V2Z 1X4

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Lady in foreground Lady in foreground

Please join us for an evening in celebration of God's transformational work in communities around the world.


6:00 PM, Thursday, March 7, 2024

Langley, BC
South Langley Church, 20098 22 Ave, Langley, BC V2Z 1X4


Punch & Appetizers
Catch up with old friends and meet new ones

Dinner is served buffet-style 
Enjoy a delicious meal catered by Karen Bergen

Join us for an evening of stories

Saturday, March 02
6:00 - 8:15PM PST

South Abbotsford Church
32424 Huntingdon Rd
Abbotsford BC V2T 5Z1

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Lady in foreground Lady in foreground

Please join us for an evening in celebration of God's transformational work in communities around the world.


6:00 PM, Saturday, March 2, 2024

Abbotsford, BC
South Abbotsford Church, 32424 Huntingdon Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5Z1


Punch & Appetizers
Catch up with old friends and meet new ones

Dinner is served buffet-style 
Enjoy a delicious meal catered by Karen Bergen

Join us for an evening of stories

Friday, March 01
6:00 - 8:15PM PST

Sardis Community Church
45625 S Sumas Rd
Chilliwack BC V2R 4M7

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Lady in foreground Lady in foreground

Please join us for an evening in celebration of God's transformational work in communities around the world.


6:00 PM, Friday, March 1, 2024

Chilliwack, BC
Sardis Community Church, 45625 S Sumas Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 4M7


Punch & Appetizers
Catch up with old friends and meet new ones

Dinner is served buffet-style 
Enjoy a delicious meal catered by Karen Bergen

Join us for an evening of stories

Thursday, February 29
6:00 - 8:15PM PST

Fraserview Mennonite Brethren Church
11295 Mellis Drive
Richmond BC V6X 1L8

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Lady in foreground Lady in foreground

Please join us for an evening in celebration of God's transformational work in communities around the world.


6:00 PM
Thursday, February 29, 2024


Richmond, BC
Fraserview Mennonite Brethren Church, 11295 Mellis Dr, Richmond, BC V6X 1L8


Punch & Appetizers
Catch up with old friends and meet new ones

The Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale will be held on July 12-13 at the Mount Hope Event Center in Millersburg, Ohio.

Jul 11 - Jul 12, 2025

Friday, July 11
4:00 - 8:00PM EDT

Mount Hope Event Center
8076 State Route 241
Millersburg, OH 44654
United States

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woman serving pancakes to two boys woman serving pancakes to two boys
At the 42nd annual Ontario Mennonite Relief Livestock Sale, heifers, cull cows, sheep and goats are auctioned off in support of MCC.

Feb 13 - Feb 15, 2024

Tuesday, February 13
8:00AM - 12:00PM EST

Ontario Livestock Exchange at St. Jacobs Farmer's Market
856 Weber St N.
St. Jacobs ON N0B 2N0

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A white milk cow with black patches looking at the viewer. A white milk cow with black patches looking at the viewer.
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