Save the date!
Sunday, September 14
1:00 - 4:00PM CDT
The Forks National Historic Site Centre Field
Winnipeg MB
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MCC's annual Golf Tournament returns!
Register below and see you out on the green.
Wednesday, July 09
12:30 - 8:30PM CDT
Bridges Golf Course
10 River Rd
Starbuck MB R0G 2P0
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Join us for an evening of soup and fundraising with Mennonite Central Committee and Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB). Hear how CFGB's work in South Sudan is changing lives amidst a food shortage.
Sunday, March 30
5:00 - 8:00PM EDT
Vineland United Mennonite Church
3327 Menno St.
Vineland ON L0R 2C0
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MCC alumni, don’t miss out on the chance to connect and celebrate at our upcoming alumni gathering!
Saturday, April 12
10:00 - 11:00AM PDT
Fresno Pacific University
1717 S Chestnut ave
Fresno, CA 93702
United States
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Host a speaker in Alberta
The MCC staff in Calgary and Edmonton have a wide range of passion and expertise, and they're eager to share with your church, school or event.