We can help simplify legacy giving
We know that estate planning and legacy giving involve important conversations and sometimes complicated decisions.
For many years, MCC staff have helped our generous supporters align their deeply-held beliefs, values and priorities with the work of MCC. We‘re happy to help you explore how a planned gift to MCC can fit in with your life plan!
Professional advisors can help you determine the size and timing of your gift, as well as the associated tax benefits. Together with our staff, they can work with you to determine how best to match your wishes with your resources and the needs of MCC.
MCC staff can also speak with your financial or legal advisor.
In Canada, MCC recommends the services provided by Abundance Canada, particularly when processing donations of securities. Contact your local MCC office for a referral. In Saskatchewan, MCC also recommends the services provided by Amity Trust (formerly Mennonite Trust Ltd).
In the U.S., MCC recommends the services provided by Everence Foundation, Mennonite Brethren Foundation or Brethren in Christ Foundation. Your local MCC office can refer you to these or other trusted organizations.
Gift language for your will
We can provide sample gift language for designated and undesignated gifts to ensure your legacy giving happens the way you intend.
Substantial or unusual designated gifts
MCC is privileged to receive designated or restricted gifts of substantial size or unusual designation. These donations are gifted with very specific directions on how they are to be used. If this is the type of legacy giving you have in mind, we will be happy to help you explore options and suitable gift language.
MCC has the right to refuse a gift, particularly if there are unacceptable liabilities attached to the gift. For more information, please contact your local office about our gift acceptance policy.
Anonymous legacy giving
If you'd like your legacy giving to remain anonymous during your lifetime or after your passing, MCC will make sure your wishes are respected.
Gift refusal
It is possible that MCC may refuse a gift. This can happen when there is a liability attached to a gift that would create an undesired financial burden for MCC, or if the gift or associated liability violates state, provincial or federal laws.
For more information, please contact your local office about our gift acceptance policy.
You have been a faithful part of the MCC story, and we are thankful for your generosity! MCC is built by people helping people and sharing the many blessings God has given us.
Thank you for considering leaving a legacy that reflects your passion for the work of MCC!

"Our decision to include a donation to MCC in our wills was not difficult. God has blessed us and we feel privileged to share these blessings."
Harold and Dickie Crandall
Have further questions about legacy giving?
Give a gift where needed most
Every donation makes a difference.