Friday, November 08
8:45AM - 4:00PM EST
MCC East Coast Regional Office
900 E. Howell St.
Philadelphia , PA 19149
United States
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Join us for an engaging in-person restorative practice training, hosted by MCC and the Metropolitan Christian Council of Philadelphia (MCCP).
There are many divisions in our nation today -- culturally, socioeconomically and politically. In 2 Corinthians, Jesus calls us to become ministers of reconciliation, guiding our communities toward peace.
Using the book, Ambassadors of Reconciliation (Vol. 1) by Elaine Enns and Ched Myers, this training will equip you with restorative practices through learning how to facilitate peacemaking circles, family and group conferences and healing circles. Participants are asked to purchase their own copy of the book, which can be found online here. Upon completing the training, participants will receive a Certificate in Restorative Practices.
Registration deadline is November 6th and can accommodate up to 25 participants. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Chichi Oguekwe, Philadelphia Program Coordinator for MCC East Coast, at
We invite you to be part of this journey toward peace and reconciliation!
Meet the facilitator!

Rev. Dr. Donna L. Jones, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Christian Council of Philadelphia, is a restorative practitioner, trainer and advocate. As a licensed trainer through the International Institute of Restorative Practices, she founded the Restorative Cities Initiative™ to integrate restorative practices across communities by collaborating with residents and various city agencies. Rev. Dr. Jones holds a Doctor of Ministry in Renewal of the Church for Mission from Palmer Theological Seminary, a Master of Divinity from Lutheran Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Temple University. She currently serves as the founding pastor of the Cookman Beloved Community Baptist Church in West Philadelphia.