Saturday, November 04
9:00AM - 4:30PM CST
Wildwood Mennonite Church
1502 Acadia Dr
Saskatoon SK S7H 5H8
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We will hear from Esther Epp-Tiessen about Anabaptist-Mennonite peace theology, from Linda Herr, James Wheeler, and Liz Driver on pacifist resistance in Ukraine and the Middle East Region, as well as from several local community partners.
We look forward to a valuable time of learning together. See schedule below for more details.
9:00 am | Welcome & Introduction
9:15-10:00am | Theological grounding:
Explore Anabaptist-Mennonite peace theology, the ways this theology has informed MCC’s work, and our evolving narratives of peace.
Esther Epp-Tiessen, author and former MCC Canada Peace and Justice Public Engagement Coordinator
10:00-10:15am | Coffee break
10:15-11:45am | International conflict and non-violent peace witness:
Learn how MCC’s partners are navigating conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East region on the ground, including ways that pacifist resistance is being lived out on a daily basis. Hear how the values of non-violence are being tested and manifested, as well as the spiritual practices that nurture them.
Linda Herr and James Wheeler, MCC Europe & Middle East Area Directors, and MCC Ukraine Representative Liz Driver.
Q&A Moderator, St. Thomas More graduate student Mykan Zlipko
11:45am-12:00pm | Debrief
12:00-12:45pm | Lunch
An Eritrean meal provided by former refugee and Eritrean caterer Mihret Adhanom.
12:45-1:15pm | Material Resources Kit-packing:
Learn how MCC’s Material Resources program responds to conflicts and disasters around the world. Pack hygiene kits as a hands-on way of supporting our international neighbours.
Erika Thogersen, MCC SK Constituency Relations and Education Coordinator
Karla Koehn, MCC SK Donor Engagement Coordinator
1:15-2:00pm | Peace Workshops (choose one)
Practice peace skills through either workshop:
Restorative Practices analyzes needs and obligations when conflict occurs in interpersonal relationships through case studies (an experience of MCC SK’s local Peace and Justice education program).
Concentric Circles will teach active listening skills to alter the path of conflict by focusing on relationship building (from MCC’s “Peaceful Practices” curriculum).
Heather Peters, MCC SK Peacebuilding Coordinator and Chris Hrynkow, Professor & Director of the Centre for Faith, Reason, Peace and Justice, St. Thomas More College - Conflict Transformation
Erika Thogersen, MCC SK Constituency Relations and Education Coordinator
2:00-2:15pm | Coffee break
2:15-3:30pm | Intersections of Peace and Justice:
Be inspired by local MCC program staff and partners as they present how their work participates in and is challenged by the values of peacebuilding. The panel will highlight grief and loss workshops in prison, refugee resettlement, community youth work, and reconciliation.
Heather Peters, MCC SK Peacebuilding Coordinator with Elder Dianne Anderson, Saskatoon Catholic Diocese Restorative Ministry Coordinator.
Mark Bigland-Pritchard, MCC SK Migration & Resettlement Coordinator with sponsor Kate Herriot.
Mark Everett, MCC SK Interim Community Development Coordinator with Anna Block,Servant Partners Canada Site Staff.
Randy Klassen, MCC SK Indigenous Neighbours Coordinator with Elder Maryann Napope.
3:30-4:00pm | Small group discussions
4:00-4:30pm | Closing and Calls to Engage:
Reflect on and engage with the day’s themes of peacebuilding in Saskatchewan and around the world. Hear final thoughts and guidance on spiritual practices of peace.
Esther Epp-Tiessen, author and former MCC Canada Peace and Justice Public Engagement Coordinator, and Cynthia Wallace, Associate Professor and Department Head of English, St. Thomas More College.
Meet the speakers