Fairlawn Mennonite Church (Community Center entrance in back of building)
8520 Emerson Rd
Apple Creek, OH 44606
United States
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We are gathering in 2025 for our fourth annual Ohio MCC Comforter Bash!
A handmade comforter provides not only warmth but also a tangible message to people that their needs are not forgotten. The comforters will be distributed by MCC around the world.
All are invited to knot comforters for Mennonite Central Committee. Women, men, youth groups, friends and family are invited! Come and go as you are able.
Dates: Friday, February 28 (times to be determined)
Saturday, March 1 (times to be determined)
*Food available for a donation on both days.
Location: Fairlawn Mennonite Church - 8520 Emerson Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44606
Comforter tops and backs needed: We invite you to make comforter tops (60” x 80”) and backs (65” x 85”) for use at the Comforter Bash. Comforter backs and tops should be marked for Sarah or MRC and dropped off by February 1 at the MCC Material Resources Center in Kidron (4080 Kidron Road).