Can faith play a part in development work? Author and professor Philip Fountain draws from his new book to discuss how MCC blends Mennonite values with efforts in disaster relief, development, and peacebuilding, all while working with people from many different backgrounds.
Thursday, March 20
12:00 - 1:00PM EDT
Community Room (2nd floor)
50 Kent Avenue
Kitchener ON N2G 3R1
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Join us for a special Lunch and Listen event on March 20 at 12 pm in the Community Room at 50 Kent Ave. in Kitchener.
We are delighted to welcome Professor Philip Fountain from the University of Victoria (New Zealand) for a presentation on his new book, The Service of Faith. In this book, Philip explores MCC’s work in Indonesia and asks an important question: Can faith play a part in international development work? His research shows how MCC blends Mennonite values with efforts in disaster relief, development, and peacebuilding, all while working with people from many different backgrounds.
Philip’s book takes a close look at the challenges and rewards of mixing religion and humanitarian work. He explains how MCC builds bridges between different cultures and beliefs, and how these connections shape its mission. This talk is a great chance to learn more about MCC’s rich history and to think about how faith and service work together. We look forward to seeing you there for an engaging and thought-provoking discussion!
The public is invited to this free event. No RSVP required. Can’t make it in person? No problem—tune in live on our Facebook page!
Philip Fountain is a Senior Lecturer in Study of Religion at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He was previously a Senior Research Fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. He has published extensively on religion, development and humanitarianism, including: The Service of Faith: An Ethnography of Mennonites and Development; Political Theologies and Development in Asia: Transcendence, Sacrifice and Aspiration, edited with Giuseppe Bolotta and R. Michael Feener; The Mission of Development: Religion and Techno-Politics in Asia, edited with Catherine Scheer and R. Michael Feener; and Religion and the Politics of Development, edited with Robin Bush and R. Michael Feener.
More details about Philip's book can be found here: