Saturday, February 22
9:00AM - 3:00PM PST
Black Creek United Mennonite Church
2277 Enns Rd
Black Creek BC V9J 1H7
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Join the Great Winter Warm-Up One Day Blitz at Black Creek United Mennonite Church at 2277 Enns Rd, Black Creek, British Columbia!
No experience is necessary, and all supplies are provided.
The event runs from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Come for an hour, come for the day, come for lunch!
Lunch is provided. If you have questions, please contact Brenda here.
Comforters will be tied for MCC to send overseas to provide warmth and comfort to people displaced by war or those recovering from natural disasters. If you can tie a knot, you can help make a difference!
Together, we can share warmth and comfort with our global neighbours.
Last year, MCC shipped 59,277 comforters created by people like you to places like Guatemala, Haiti, Iraq, Malawi, Syria and Ukraine. Your time and creative talents are helping to share the message of God’s love with those in need. Our goal is to create as many comforters as possible in this year's Great Winter Warm-up. Learn more here.