Thursday, September 28
7:00 - 7:30PM CDT
MCC Manitoba
100-140 Bannatyne Ave
Winnipeg MB R3B 3C5
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We invite you and your congregation to be represented at our Annual General Meeting on Thursday, September 28 at our new offices at 140 Bannatyne Avenue, from 7:00 to 7:30 PM.
Accredited voting delegates must register in order to vote during the meeting.
The agenda will be brief and focus on required business items including audited financial statements and amendments to bylaws. In lieu of a keynote or other presentations, the AGM will take place during Open House hours at our new office, which meeting participants are invited to attend. The Open House will showcase, among other things, MCC Manitoba’s social enterprise Sam’s Place Coffee Shop and feature kit-packing activities in the new Material Resources space.
Member congregations may appoint one voting delegate per every 50 members, but everyone is welcome to attend!
Please register by Tuesday, September 26.