Peace in our lifetime - on the Korean Peninsula

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Northeast Asia representative SeongHan Kim, left, and Gyodong Island peace worker Kim Young-Ae are on the South Korean island’s shore, about a mile from North Korea

March 20, 2025

Background: This year marks 10 years since the Peace on the Korea Peninsula Act (PKPA), was first introduced. Reintroduction of the PKPA in the 119th U.S. Congress (H.R. 1841) comes at an important moment. Joint U.S.-South Korea military drills have become more regular, regional tension is increasing, and strategic ties are deepening ties between Russia and DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or North Korea).

A peace treaty with the U.S., South Korea and DPRK would:

  • Reduce military and diplomatic tension in the region.
  • Allow for the resumption of humanitarian support.
  • Allow divided families in South Korea and the U.S. to reunite with their loved ones in DPRK.
  • Build new pathways of engagement and collaboration.

Last year more than 40 representatives co-sponsored the bill. Currently there are 31 sponsors. Encourage your representative to support the bill and make peace more possible.

Faith reflection: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). Let us bring “messages of reconciliation” where there is division and conflict.

Action: Ask your representative to support peace, humanitarian engagement, and the unity of separated families on the Korean Peninsula.

Photo above: Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Northeast Asia representative SeongHan Kim, left, and Gyodong Island peace worker Kim Young-Ae are on the South Korean island’s shore, about a mile from North Korea. The blue line is a peace pilgrimage route that follows the border from coast to coast.