Prison care kits: Restoring hope, dignity and mental health

In an environment that often seems hopeless, and the air is thick with ongoing animosity between inmates and correctional officers, prison care kits from Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) are making a difference.
MCC East Coast shares Christ’s peace with current and formerly incarcerated people in Philadelphia and distributes prison care kits from MCC. Ron Muse, prison chaplain and a former MCC East Coast staff member, reflects, “As we have started giving out prison care kits to indigent inmates, we have seen something happen that was not anticipated nor expected.”
Muse noticed correctional officers requesting prison care kits on behalf of inmates, even those from marginalized inmate groups such as those with mental illnesses.
It’s amazing to see the inmate’s face when the officer who he once despised gives him a can literally see the wall of animosity being torn down.”
Ron Muse
“It’s amazing to see the inmate’s face when the officer who he once despised gives him a kit. It is almost like you can literally see the wall of animosity being torn down between the two groups,” comments Muse.
He continues, “The touch of compassion that you see in the correctional officers’ eyes and speech speaks volumes when requesting kits for the inmates. It is like you see God working and moving in people’s hearts without them even realizing what is going on.”
One inmate named Ollie* says, “I’ve been in and out of jail seven times… [H]opelessness resides on the inside. However, when Chaplain Ron gave me a kit, it put a smile on my face and brightened up my world. It put me in a better place. I want to thank everybody involved for this gift because it was the only thing that I received for my birthday.”

Prison care kits are making a difference in Philadelphia prisons. “This blessing has strengthened my thirst to see the ending of what God has for me,” says Jack*, an incarcerated individual who received a prison care kit from MCC.
Gifts of prison care kits help MCC share God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by reminding current and formerly incarcerated people that their needs are not forgotten.
*Last names not used for security reasons.

MCC East Coast's prison care kits help meet the basic needs of current and formerly incarcerated people. Help us make a difference in Philadelphia prisons by collecting and packing prison care kit items that will restore hope, dignity and mental health to these individuals.
Each men's prison care kit contains:
- 1 pair of white underwear (briefs)*
- 1 bottle of lotion (maximum 3 oz.)
- 1 bar of soap (minimum 4 oz.)
- 1 tube of toothpaste (minimum 6 oz.)
- 1 deodorant (minimum 2.25 oz.)
- 1 pair of white crew socks*
- 1 white crewneck undershirt*
*Note: Clothing items are accepted in three sizes: men’s medium, large and extra-large. Please choose one of these sizes and purchase underwear, socks and undershirts in the same size.
Please pack prison care kit items in a 2-gallon resealable plastic storage bag and use a permanent marker to indicate the clothing size on the outside of the bag.
Each women's prison care kit contains:
- 1 pair of women's white basic underwear (briefs)*
- 1 bottle of lotion (maximum 3 oz.)
- 1 bar of soap (minimum 4 oz.)
- 1 tube of toothpaste (minimum 6 oz.)
- 1 deodorant (minimum 2.25 oz.)
- 1 pair of white crew socks*
- 1 white crewneck undershirt (women's or men's style acceptable)*
- 1 package of sanitary pads (minimum count of 8 thin pads)
*Note: Clothing items are accepted in three sizes: women's small, medium and large. Please choose one of these sizes and purchase underwear, socks and undershirts in the same size.
Please pack kit items in a brown paper bag or plastic bag and use a permanent marker to indicate the clothing size on the outside of the bag.
Completed kits can be dropped off at:
MCC East Coast regional office
2336 S. 18th Street, Second Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19145
(215) 535-3624
MCC East Coast Material Resources Center
517 West Trout Run Road, Ephrata, PA 17522
(717) 733-2847
The Cumberland Valley Relief Center
4225 Molly Pitcher Highway South, Chambersburg, PA 17202
(717) 375-2088
MCC Material Resource Center of Harleysville
737 Hagey Center Drive, Souderton, PA 18964
(267) 203-8074
Cash donations for prison care kits can be made below! Just indicate "East Coast prison care kit" in the Other notes or instructions box when completing your donation.
For more information on prison care kits, or if you are interested in ordering prison care kit supplies in bulk, email or call (717) 733-2847.
Cash for kits and comforters
Every gift makes a difference.