Message from our executive director
Watch a video message from Rick Cober Bauman or read MCC Canada’s Annual Impact Report
Discover more about MCC Canada
Learn more about our vision and mission, our leadership and board, and read our annual impact reports.
Our commitment to peace and partnership
In all our programs, we are committed to relationships with our local partners and churches — their needs guide our priorities.
As an Anabaptist organization, we strive to make peace part of everything we do. We work to distribute resources in ways that are equitable, meeting needs and building peace. In our advocacy work, we pursue policies that foster a more peaceful world.
Fundraising and reports
To support our work around the world, MCC raises funds from a wide variety of sources including:
- Donations from generous individuals, companies and churches (thank you!)
- MCC Thrift shops
- Special events like relief sales
- Donations of resources such as comforters and items for school, relief and hygiene kits
- Donations to MCC’s account at Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB)
- Grants from the Canadian government and other sources
Memberships and Coalitions
MCC Canada is a member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities (CCCC) and a Registered Canadian Charity—you can view our annual charities return on the CRA website.
At MCC, we are committed to using your donations responsibly, making sure our programs are as effective as possible, and maintaining transparency in our reporting.
When you make a donation to a specific MCC program or theme, we do our best to use your gift for the cause you donated to. However, projects occasionally change for a variety of reasons or we may receive more money than needed for a specific project. In those cases, we use your donation for projects that are most similar to the cause or project you chose.
To learn more about our fundraising and work you can:
Arrange a visit with our donor relations staff
Read our annual impact reports
Read our audited financial statements
To fulfill our mission, MCC works with other organizations that have similar goals.
These are the agencies we partner with in Canada:
- America's Policy Group
- Canadian Coalition on Climate Change and Development
- Canadian Council for Refugees
- Canadian Foodgrains Bank*
- Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability
- Canadian Peace Commons
- Canadian Sponsorship Agreement Holder Association
- Church Council on Justice and Corrections
- Cooperation Canada
- Humanitarian Coalition**
- KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
- National Associations Active in Criminal Justice
- Policy Action Group on Emergency Response
- Project Ploughshares
- Women, Peace and Security Network
In addition, MCC works with many other organizations in Canada on an informal and occasional basis.
*MCC Canada is an owner and member of Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
**MCC Canada partners with the Humanitarian Coalition as a member of Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

MCC in Canada
Give a gift where needed most
Every donation makes a difference.