MCCs in Canada
Sponsoring denominations
MCC Canada is grateful for the support of our sponsoring denominations and their congregations and members:
- Mennonite Church Canada
- Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
- Evangelical Mennonite Conference
- Be in Christ Church of Canada
Leadership and boards
MCC Canada leadership
Rick Cober Bauman, Executive Director
Board of directors
- Eleanor Andres, Board director | Member-at-Large
- Trisha Ashworth, Board director | MCC Ontario
- Jacqueline Block, Board director | MCC Saskatchewan
- Sandra Bunnett, Board Secretary | Eastern Canada
- Ernie Engbrecht, Board director | MCC Alberta
- Catherine Enns, Board vice-chair | Member-at-Large
- Selena Friesen, Board director | Canadian Council of Anabaptist Leaders
- Louise Larsen, Board director | MCC British Columbia
- Fiona Mo, Board director | Canadian Council of Anabaptist Leaders
- Janet Plenert, Board director | MCC Manitoba
- Ron Ratzlaff, Board chair | Canadian Council of Anabaptist Leaders
- Mark Sawatzky, Board Treasurer | Member-at-large
- Melanie Wigg, Board Director | Canadian Council of Anabaptist Leaders
Leadership team
- Ryan Siemens, Executive Director
- Renn von Riesen, Director of Finance
- Joyce Doran, Director of Social Enterprise
- Tolulope Babalola, Director of Human Resources
- Alex Heidebrecht, Communications and Development Director
- Jose-Luis Moraga, Program Director
Board of directors
- Ernie Engbrecht, Chair
- Heather Driedger, Vice-chair
- Sharon Penner, Treasurer
- Timothy Burkholder, Secretary
- Christina Carpenter, Director
- Derek Cook, Director
- Gary Friesen, Director
- Robert Proudfoot, Director
- Nicole Enns-Fehr, Director
- Amy Slinger, B.C. Social Enterprise Director
- Karli Friesen, Finance Director
- Sue Kupp, Program Director
- Ed Brett, Chief Operating Officer
- Wayne Bremner, Executive Director
Board of directors
- Peter Wolfe, Chair | Mennonite Brethren Conference
- Sharon Zacharias, Treasurer | Mennonite Church Conference
- Louise Larson, Secretary | Mennonite Brethren Conference
- Phoebe Cheung, Director | Mennonite Brethren Conference
- Gerry Grunau, Director | Mennonite Church Conference
- Randy Redekop, Director | Mennonite Church Conference
- Orlando Schmidt, Director | Mennonite Brethren Conference
- Kevin Baarda, Director | Mennonite Church Conference
- Craig Toews, Director | Mennonite Brethren Conference
Leadership team
- Darryl Loewen, Executive Director
- Carlee Friesen, Director of Finance
- Josue Figueroa, Director of Social Enterprise
- Iliana Friesen, Director of Human Resources
- Valorie Block, Development and Communications Director
- Joanne Hiebert Bergen, Program Director
Board of directors
- Janet Plenert, Chair | Mennonite Church Manitoba
- Ed Barkman, Vice-chair | Evangelical Mennonite Conference
- Lloyd Plett, Treasurer | Director at large
- John Wieler, Secretary | Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba
- Robert Goertzen | Evangelical Mennonite Conference
- David Woelk | Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba
- Ennet Bera | Mennonite Church Manitoba
- Yvonne Stoesz | Mennonite Church Manitoba
- Carla Kehler | Director at large
- Danika Warkentin | Student representative
- Michelle Brenneman, Executive Director
- Kim Lester, Associate Executive Director
- Wendy Adema, Program Director
- Lynda Lynch, Thrift Director
- Sean East, Director of Finance and Operations
Board of directors
- Trisha Ashworth, Chair
- Matthew Miles, Vice-chair
- Eugene Reesor, Treasurer
- Irene Gibbins, Secretary
- Denis Wall, Diversity Officer
- Randy Lepp, Conference Representative | Mennonite Church Eastern Canada
- Bruce Yoder, Conference Representative | Mennonite Church Eastern Canada
- Abe Wall, Conference Representative | Evangelical Mennonite Conference
- Jean de Dieu Basabose, Additional Board Representative | Mennonite Brethren Conference
- Lisa Goetze, Conference Representative | Be in Christ
- Melissa Richer, Conference Representative | Be in Christ
- Nathan Dirks, Additional Board Representative
- John Abraham, Additional Board Representative
- Ruth Charette, Young Adult Representative | Conrad Grebel University College
- Tim Khoo, Young Adult Representative | Conrad Grebel University College
- Erica Baerwald, Human Resources and Operations Director
- Amanda Dodge, Program Director
- Rick Guenther, Communications and Donor Relations Director
- Eileen Klassen Hamm, Executive Director
- Martin Irving, Thrift Manager
- Carlee Friesen, Director of Finance and Administration
Board of directors
- Jacquie Block, Chairperson
- Peter Guenther, Treasurer | Mennonite Church SK
- Davida Bentham, Secretary | Mennonite Church SK
- Rachel Wallace, Member | Mennonite Church SK
- Sue Wiens, Member | Thrift
- Clarence Peters, Member | SK Mennonite Brethren
- Kaytee Edwards Buhler | MCC Alumni
MCC in the U.S.
Sponsoring denominations
MCC U.S. is grateful for the support of Anabaptist church bodies and their congregations and members:
- Beachy Amish Mennonite Churches
- Brethren in Christ U.S.
- LMC – a fellowship of Anabaptist churches
- Mennonite Church USA
- Rosedale Network of Churches
- U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Leadership and boards
MCC U.S. management team
Ann Graber Hershberger, Executive Director
Board of directors
- Gilberto Pérez Jr., Chair | Mennonite Church USA
- Jeanne Zimmerly Jantzi, Vice chair | Member-at-large
- Ed Diller, Treasurer | Member-at-large
- Sunoko Lin, Secretary | Member-at-large
- Hugo Saucedo | Member-at-large
- Terry Hunt | Member-at-Large
- Susan Hart | MCC Central States
- Alma Ovalle | MCC East Coast
- Daniel Grimes | MCC Great Lakes
- Jon Showalter | Rosedale Network of Churches
- Sam Oommen | West Coast MCC
- Jonathan Lloyd | Brethren in Christ
- Yvette Ngale | U.S. Mennonite Brethren
- Paula Suazo | LMC: a fellowship of Anabaptist churches
- Chilobe Kalambo | Member-at-large
Leadership team
Michelle Armster, Executive Director
Board of directors
- Rosie Epp, Board Co-Chair | Western District Conference Mennonite Church USA
- Ron Moyo, Board Co-Chair | Member-at-large
- Leah Rose, Secretary | Southern District Mennonite Brethren
- Will Swartzendruber, Treasurer | Central Plains Mennonite Church USA
- Jeni Hiett Umble, Executive Committee member | Mountain States Mennonite Church USA
- Jeff Baumgartner | South Central Conference Mennonite Church USA
- Lucila Mireles | Latin America District Mennonite Brethren
- Ivanna Johnson-McMurry | Member-at-large
- Margie Mejia Caraballo | Member-at-large
- Linda Moyo | Member-at-large
- Ja'Neysha Hendricks | Tabor College Student Rep
- Tesa Hysenaj | Hesston College Student Rep
- Lia Groves | Bethel College Student Rep
- Gracie Tijerina | Member-at-large
- Ben Stoner | Midwest Conference Brethren in Christ
- Fern Diener | Gulf States Mennonite Church USA
- Susan Peak Hart | Member-at-large
Management team
Hyacinth Stevens, Executive Director
Board of directors
- Ruth Lesher, Board Chair, Executive Committee; U.S. Board Representative | Member-at-large
- Jenn Esbenshade, Secretary, Executive Committee; Anti-oppression Committee | Atlantic Coast Conference
- Glenda Siegrist | Virginia Mennonite Conference
- Brenda Hernandez | Convención de Iglesias Menonitas de Puerto Rico
- Gwen Taylor | LMC
- Diane Doebler, Anti-oppression Committee | New York Mennonite Conference
- Clyde Ferguson, Anti-oppression Committee | Eastern District Conference of the Mennonite Brethren
- Jerry Stahly, Anti-oppression Committee | Good News Fellowship
- Glenn Brubacher, Audit and Finance Committee | Weaverland Mennonite Conference
- James Gunden, Treasurer, Executive Committee; Audit and Finance Committee | Member-at-large
- Stan Morgan, Audit and Finance Committee | Allegheny BIC Conference
- Terry Cline | Rosedale Network of Churches
- Charles Brown | United Zion Conference
- Lisa Cameron, Executive Committee | Member-at-large
- Aaron Beiler | Old Order Amish
- David Flowers, Board Development Committee | Susquehanna BIC Conference
- Jenny Serrano | Misión Evangélica Menonita del Caribe
- Fellistus Munakombwe, Executive Committee; Anti-oppression Committee | Atlantic BIC Conference
- Danilo Sanchez, Vice-chair, Executive Committee; Board Development Committee | Mosaic Mennonite Conference
- Ruth Scott, Board Development Committee | Allegheny Mennonite Conference
- Edward Weaver | Groffdale Mennonite Conference
- Isaac Rivera | Iglesia Menonita Hispana
- Vivian Stevens-Lyons, Executive Committee | African American Mennonite Association
- Alma Ovalle, Anti-oppression Committee | Member-at-large
- Ruth Seyoum | Eastern Mennonite University Student Representative
- Victoria Berrios | Messiah University Student Representative
- Jose Lemus | Southeast BIC Conference
- OPEN | Beachy Amish
Leadership Team
Eric Kurtz, Executive Director
Board of Directors
- Daniel Grimes, Chair | Member-at-large
- Tracie Hunter, Vice Chair | Member-at-large
- George Thompson, Treasurer | Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference
- David R. Swartz, Secretary | Brethren in Christ
- Naun Lucoer Cerrato | Iglesia Menonita Hispana
- Corine Graber Alvarez | Member-at-large
- Abri Hochstetler | Member-at-large
- Peter Martin | Central District Conference
- Rhoda Miller | Rosedale Network of Churches
- Holly Miller-Eshleman | Evana Network
- Henri Ngolo | Member-at-large
- Virgil Troyer | Ohio Mennonite Conference
Management team
Dina Gonzalez-Pina, Executive Director
Board of directors
- Kevin Malamma , Board Chair | Pacific District Conference - Mennonite Brethren
- Sam "Saji" Oommen, Board Co-Chair | Member-at-large
- Scott Holman | Pacific District Conference - Mennonite Brethren
- Nehemiah Chigoji | Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference
- Una Lee Jost | Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference
- Nancy Chupp | Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference
- Kiara Yoder | Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference
- Neil Bucher, Secretary | Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference
- Nelly Ascencio | Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference
- Avrielle Herms | Student Representative
- Rebeca Pedroza | Brethren in Christ
- Hannah Snavley, Student Representative | Crest Community
- Twila Lehman | Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference
- Jorg Letkemann | Member-at-large
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