Indigenous dancer

Indigenous neighbours in Canada

The Indigenous Neighbours programs across Canada strive to build respectful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

We listen deeply to the voices of Indigenous people and communities, relying on their knowledge and experience. 

Group of people participating in a blanket exercise

Indigenous neighbors in the U.S.

MCC works to support the strength and genius of Indigenous peoples as they address injustices, past and present.  

We work toward dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery and host The Loss of Turtle Island, a participatory learning experience that explores the realities of colonization.

Group of women

Indigenous partnerships around the world

MCC works hand-in-hand with Indigenous peoples in places such as Bolivia, Guatemala, India and Bangladesh. Indigenous knowledge and practices help shape sustainable farming practices, community healing and peacebuilding efforts.

Artist Val Vint's mature hands manipulate natural materials.

Transforming Relationships art space

Visit the online gallery space curated by MCC featuring artwork by Indigenous artists on the theme of Transforming Relationships.


Read stories and explore the transformative journey of acknowledging injustices and walking humbly alongside Indigenous communities.

Get involved

There are many ways to get involved as we work together to walk humbly with our Indigenous neighbors around the globe, advocating for justice and working for peace.

Give a gift to Indigenous neighbors

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