Who is Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)​?

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. MCC envisions communities worldwide in right relationship with God, one another and creation. 

This proposal is due March 7, 2025.

Your summer service participants must submit their online application by March 14, 2025.

Please review all of your information before submitting this form.

Partner contact info
Denomination or conference affiliation
Supervisor info
Participant contact and eligibility info
We will send the Summer Service Participant’s application link to this address, so please make sure this is their correct email address.
(Anyone who is a paid staff in leadership position is considered as a pastor)
General information
Provide us with information about the community so that we can better understand how a Summer Service participant will benefit the area.

List three goals/outcomes for the Summer Service assignment or project. Describe 3-5 specific activities that will be performed to support those goals/outcomes.

Which of the following focus areas will be the primary focus of your Summer Service project?
Bible study, worship, VBS, etc
Food banks, food distribution programs, urban gardens, advocacy
Immigration, housing insecurity, natural disaster response, etc.
Leadership development, academic support, or social/emotional support
Circle processes, prison-based programming, non-violence training, etc.
Community gardens, thrift stores, restoration projects, advocacy and education, etc
Please select up to three that best align with your project goals.
(i.e., how many days per week will participant be involved in programming? Remote or in person?)
MCC requires all partner organizations working with minors to have a child protection policy. If the organization does not have one at this time, they may request support from MCC in developing a child protection policy as needed. 

Summer Service will take place over the course of ten weeks over the summer. This 10 week program includes about 8 weeks of working with a partner and two MCC sponsored leadership training events: Leadership Conference which takes place the first week of June and End of Term Gathering which takes place during the first week of August. These dates will be considered a paid part of the participant’s Summer Service Program.

*The amount due will be reviewed annually in March to account for changes in the cost of living. In cities with a higher cost of living, the grant will be adjusted to ensure it meets or exceeds the local minimum wage. If your church/organization is unable to provide your portion of financial compensation, please contact MCC.

Please sign below to indicate that you understand and agree to the participation requirement of participants as well as the financial obligations.

  • Who is MCC?
  • Purpose of Summer Service Program
  • Supervision of Summer Service Worker
  • Participant Attendance at MCC Events (Leadership Conference, Mid Term, and End of Term)
  • Supervisor Orientation
  • Financial obligations

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