Climate change is a global issue that impacts everyone and requires collective action to address. 

Addressing climate change most importantly requires systemic changes at the societal, corporate, and governmental levels. And yet, the choices and behaviors of individuals and households also have an impact. The responsibility lies with all of us, individuals, households, policymakers, industries, and international organizations.

Everyone, especially those of us living in Canada, the U.S., and other wealthy nations, can (and should!) make changes in response to the climate crisis. We all have different opportunities and barriers when it comes to our personal choices, so there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” prescription of what those choices should be.   When you look at the list of suggestions below, think about what skills and opportunities you have, and how you can use them.

Join us in pledging to take climate action for peace in your own life! Commit to one or more (or all!) of the suggestions below.  

We suggest choosing at least one from each category. Next, choose a timeline that works for you, whether that’s a week, a month, or a year. For example, you could commit to eating vegetarian meals at lunchtime for a week, or reading one book (or article, or documentary!) about climate change every month. 


Action Time Commitment

Personal Consumption

Action Time Commitment


Action Time Commitment

Collective Actions

Action Time Commitment


Action Time Commitment

Faithful Action

Action Time Commitment

Your own ideas!

Action Time Commitment

Join us in pledging to take climate action for peace in your own life!

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