Sunday, August 27
3:00 - 6:00PM CDT
Silverwinds Colony
9086 Road 31 NW
Sperling MB R0G 2M0
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Join us on Sunday, August 27 at Silverwinds Colony from 3:00-6:00pm. We’ll share some time together during a short program, have a chance to see how the crop is doing this year, and enjoy a light meal and each other’s company.
Please let us know if you’re able to come by RSVP at the button below, or contact Immaculate Nabisere, our Grow Hope Coordinator at 204-261-6381,
3:00 pm – Arrive at Silverwinds Colony
3:15 pm – Optional field visit to see how the Grow Hope crops are doing
4:00 pm – Grow Hope program, held in Silverwinds school
4:45 pm – Meal and visiting
We are so grateful to all of our Grow Hope farmers and to you who have made Grow Hope possible! And also to our generous hosts at Silverwinds Colony for opening their space to host our time together to celebrate the harvest.
Thank you for partnering with us to Grow Hope. Looking forward to seeing you on August 27!