BC volunteer application Thank you for your interest in volunteering with MCC BC. The following information is confidential. This volunteer application is not interchangeable with an employment application. Webform You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Thank you for your interest in volunteering with MCC BC. The following information is confidential. This volunteer application is not interchangeable with an employment application. Contact information First Middle Last Address City Postal code Phone Email Age category - Sélectionner -Younger than 1919 to 2324 to 3940 to 5556 to 7475+ Birthdate Emergency contact information 1st contact - Name 1st contact - Phone 1st contact - Relationship 2nd contact - Name 2nd contact - Phone 2nd contact - Relationship Volunteer opportunities with MCC BC Please indicate where you are most interested in volunteering with MCC BC: Thrift shops Administrative assistant or data entry Material resources warehouse New Foundations Mentorship in Victoria Local Programs (Homelessness Prevention, Indigenous Neighbors, End Abuse, Migration, and Resettlement) Special events Quilting (must have prior quilting experience) Prince George Community Projects Volunteer Exchange Host Family / Cultural Mentor Festival (Sept in Abbotsford) Ten Thousand Villages Abbotsford What type of volunteer role would most appeal to you? Which community/location would you prefer to serve in? Why do you want to volunteer with MCC BC and what would make volunteering worthwhile? Please confirm you will attend/view an MCC BC Orientation and any required training. As a volunteer, I agree that my name, address, and phone number will be on the MCC BC mailing list for volunteers, so I can receive newsletters or training information. Skills & Experience Please list relevant work or volunteer experience, including organization/company. Specific Skills (check skills you bring) Sales / Customer service Quilting Able to lift & carry heavy items Computer Skills/Data Entry/Admin Sewing Server/Food Prep Work with children List other skills you have. List language spoken, written or read (indicate limited, fairly well or fluent knowledge). Volunteer availability To get a general idea of your availability, please check the approximate length of Volunteer Commitment: Occasional or as-needed Short term Ongoing Not sure How frequently will you be available? Hours per week: What days are you available to volunteer? What is your time preference? Morning Afternoon Evening References (do not list relatives) 1st reference - Name 1st reference - Relationship 1st Reference - Phone 1st Reference - Email 2nd reference - Name 2nd reference - Relationship 2nd Reference - Phone 2nd Reference - Email Miscellaneous information Are you legally eligible to work in Canada? - Sélectionner -YesNo Have you ever been convicted of a criminal charge in Canada or equivalent violation in another country? - None -YesNo If yes, please explain. Leave this field blank Give a gift where needed most Every donation makes a difference. Donate $50 Donate $200 Donate $500 Custom donation amount