Grow hope with us
We’re glad you’re here!
Sponsoring an acre with Grow Hope in Ontario costs about $400 an acre. You can sponsor an acre yourself, or you can start an online giving project and invite others to sponsor acres with you!
By setting up a giving registry on MCC’s website, you can share a unique giving page so that others can donate to Grow Hope with you, and we can track your support. Check out our instructions to start today.
If you have questions, please contact Thomas Neufeld at or 905-941-0179.
How it works:
Larry and Marg Dyck are farmers in Vineland, Ont. They have access to a 41-acre field generously made available to Canadian Foodgrains Bank by Bethesda Services to grow a crop and sell it to raise funds to help end hunger.
It will cost Larry and Marg about $400 per acre for seed and other inputs. At the end of the growing season, they will sell the crop for about $500 per acre. Acres sponsored for MCC will be donated to MCC’s account at CFGB, for use in projects that help people who don’t have enough to eat.

How your support can Grow Hope
When you join our Grow Hope community, you’ll be helping to transform the lives of people like Chim Yean and his wife, Reach Koeun, in Cambodia. Each $350 acre sponsorship can grow into $2,500 for food security – talk about a bountiful harvest!

“Before I worked so hard, like working in the rice field for somebody or borrowing money or doing whatever for other people to get money and to buy the vegetable, fish and chicken. Now I grow everything.”
Reach Koeun
Through the gifts of Grow Hope supporters, Chim and Reach have daily income and food to share. Read more about other farmers like them, and how this community works together for the benefit of all farmers.

Did you know you can grow hope with your family, friends and church community with a giving registry?
Set your goal of sponsored acres
Write a short description about your group and your goal
Upload your description and a photo to a giving registry page
- Share the unique link and watch your community Grow Hope together!
Contact MCC Ontario for more information.
Help Grow Hope
When you give to Grow Hope, you are supporting local growers and having an impact globally.