Host a speaker in Saskatchewan
Help your community expand its understanding of issues related to relief, development and peace.
The staff in Saskatoon from MCC Saskatchewan have a wide range of passion and expertise, and they're eager to share with your church, school or event.

Help your community expand its understanding of issues related to relief, development and peace.
The staff in Saskatoon from MCC Saskatchewan have a wide range of passion and expertise, and they're eager to share with your church, school or event.
During this new COVID-19 reality, our staff would be happy to share both virtually or in-person about the work of MCC with your church or small group.
Below you'll find a list of staff who are available to speak in locations around the province. To book a speaker for your event, contact Erika Thogersen at or 306.665.2555.
Not sure who to invite? Contact Erika at for more information.

Amanda Dodge, Program Director, MCC Saskatchewan
As Program Director at MCC Saskatchewan since 2017, Amanda is responsible for overseeing and resourcing MCC’s local programming in Indigenous Neighbours, Migration & Resettlement, Education & Advocacy, Peacebuilding, Community Development and IVEP. Amanda participated in an MCC learning tour to Palestine-Israel in 2017. Amanda’s background is in justice and systemic advocacy, having worked as a lawyer in community legal aid offices for over 12 years before joining MCC. Amanda worked internationally on issues of gender-based violence at the Legal Assistance Centre in Namibia.
Education: BA (Hons) in Psychology from the University of Regina, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from the University of Saskatchewan, Master of Laws (LL.M) from Harvard University, and attendance at Canadian Theological Seminary.
Topics: Indigenous Neighbours/TRC Calls to Action, Peacebuilding, Community Development and Education & Advocacy
Workshops: Understanding Stigma & Stereotypes; Developing a Strategy for Social Change; Ministry of Reconciliation.

Eileen Klassen Hamm, Executive Director - MCC Saskatchewan
Eileen is the Executive Director for MCC Saskatchewan. She has served with MCC since 1992 in a variety of program roles and in her current role since April 2016.
Education: Masters of Divinity (AMBS), BA in Anthropology
Topics: Indigenous Neighbours/TRC Calls to Action, Peacebuilding, Education & Advocacy, Material Resources, Thrift, International Program.

Heather Peters, Peacebuilding Coordinator, MCC Saskatchewan
Heather Peters has worked with MCC for 11 years. Her first role with MCC was as a SALTer in Tanzania in 2000, she then worked as a Thrift Store Manager in Swift Current and as an International Service Worker in South Sudan. In her current role as Peacebuilding Coordinator she is responsible for trauma education, restorative justice capacity building and reconciliation opportunities.
Education: MA Peacebuilding and Human Security, BA International Development Studies, Bachelor of Theology and Certified Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) Trainer.
Topics: Indigenous Neighbours/TRC Calls to Action/Reconciliation, Peacebuilding (Trauma, Restorative Justice), Education & Advocacy, International Program.
Workshops: Trauma understanding; Trauma-informed congregations/organizations; Preventing and responding to abuse in churches/organizations; Grief and Loss; KAIROS Blanket Exercise; You Got Booked (justice system simulation); Living Library.

Mark Bigland - Pritchard, Migration & Resettlement Coordinator, MCC Saskatchewan
As Migration and Resettlement Coordinator since 2018, Mark is responsible for facilitating private refugee sponsorship and building awareness of the root causes of displacement. Mark has a background in energy consultancy. He spent 8 years teaching energy studies at 2 British universities. He also has a background in advocacy; he was the former National Coordinator of (British) Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and co-founder of Climate Justice Saskatoon. Mark attends Osler Mennonite Church and was formerly its Mission & Service Chair and Refugee Committee chair.
Education: MA Chemical Engineering, MSc Energy Conservation, PhD architectural physics.
Topics: Migration & Resettlement, Environmental Sustainability.
Workshops: Forced to Flee (refugee simulation); Introduction to private refugee sponsorship; Understanding the international refugee crisis.

Randy Klassen, Indigenous Neighbours Coordinator & Church Engagement Coordinator, MCC Saskatchewan
Randy has served with MCC for 4 years, recently moving into the dual roles of Indigenous Neighbours Coordinator and Church Engagement Coordinator. Prior to that, he served as a pastor, and a Bible instructor at Bethany College. He loves how the biblical story gives us windows for seeing, and tools for engaging, our place in Canada’s complex colonial story. In his current role, he aims to be a “reconciliation catalyst.” And as Church Engagement Coordinator, he is always ready to share the powerful story of MCC’s century of ministry.
Education: MDiv (MBBS-Fresno), MA (New Testament Studies, McMaster U), BA (Anthropology), BRS (Biblical studies).
Topics: Indigenous Neighbours/TRC Calls to Action, Restorative Justice
Workshops: Treaty & Covenant; What is Colonialism?; Mennonites & Indian Residential Schools; Stories from Saskatchewan; Reconciliation 101; The Sixties Scoop; Reserve 107; KAIROS Blanket Exercise.
Sermons: Scriptural reflections on reconciliation (e.g. "The Story of Job: A Window on Reconciliation," "Way, Truth, Life: A Model for Reconciliation"). Scriptural reflections on all aspects of MCC’s ministry and story.

Rick Guenther, Communications & Donor Relations Director, MCC Saskatchewan
As Communications and Donor Relations Director since 2015, Rick is responsible for connecting the MCC constituency to MCC’s work here at home and internationally. Rick has travelled with donors to Colombia, Palestine/Israel, and southern Africa to learn about MCC programming first-hand. Prior to working with MCC, Rick worked as the Director of Advancement at Bethany College. He has also farmed for 23 years and gained six years of management experience in value-added businesses while doing so.
Education: BA from Winnipeg Bible College and studied theology at Lutheran Seminary in Saskatoon.
Topics: Community Development, Material Resources, and International Program.

Erika Thogersen, Constituency Relations and Education Coordinator, MCC Saskatchewan
Erika has been the Constituency Relations and Education Coordinator at MCC since January 2022. In her role, she is responsible for building relationships with churches and community groups as well as coordinating educational experiences around peace and justice themes. Prior to joining MCC, Erika centered her Master's thesis on the politics of climate change as well as worked in the education system and the settlement sector.
Education: BA International Studies with a minor in Policital Studies, MSc International Public Administration and Politics
Topics: Education & Advocacy, Migration & Resettlement, Environmental Sustainability.
Workshops: For the Love of Creation: Workshops on Meaningful Climate Conversations; Having Better Difficult Conversations; Living Library; Food Security.