The Scholarship was established by Margot Wiebe of Dallas, Texas, in memory of her husband, Dwight Moody Wiebe, who died in January 2000.  Dwight Wiebe served with MCC during the 1950s, including four years as Europe director of MCC's Pax program for alternative military service.

The minimum amount of the Scholarship is $250 U.S. and is available to candidates who fulfill each of the following requirements:

1) applicant has completed an assignment with MCC of at least two years
2) applicant is actively enrolled in an accredited graduate school
3) applicant completed his/her term with MCC no more than three years before enrolling in graduate school

When there are more applicants than funds available in a specific year, priority is given to those who are not receiving other study/resettlement assistance from MCC. We then rank applicants in order of years of service to determine recipients.

Application for Dwight Moody Wiebe Endowment Fund Scholarship

Graduate School enrollment information

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