Right now, MCC is responding to more than a dozen urgent humanitarian crises around the world.

Your generosity today can help us get emergency relief to the people who need it most.

Gaza. Syria. Ukraine. South Sudan. DR Congo. Myanmar. These are just a few of the places where children and families are caught in violent conflict without enough food to eat, water to drink or shelter to sleep in.  

But these are also the places where your generosity can have an incredible impact, if you’re able to make a gift today.  

Here at MCC, we continue to be moved by Christ’s call to serve those in need. Our partners on the ground remain committed to getting your generosity where it needs to go.  

The only thing we need now is you.  

You can help us get things such as food and other basic necessities to the people who need it most — like children and families in Gaza.

In fact, right now we’re working on sending truckloads of emergency food to more than 12,000 people living in the Gaza Strip!*

You are an essential part of this work. Will you join us as we work towards a peaceful and just world for all?

*This project is funded through MCC’s account at Canadian Foodgrains Bank. In addition to support from generous donors like you, the project also includes funding from the Humanitarian Coalition and matching funds from the Government of Canada.

Families caught in conflict

Help us get emergency support to people in need — like those in Gaza.