Have you ever wished there was more peace in your life, in your relationships with friends and family or even in the world? Maybe you’ve wondered what having more peace looks like. Or how you can get there? 

MCC’s Peace is more than a wish project can help you navigate these questions and provide you with tools to work towards making peace more than a wish. You’ll find resources for building peace skills in your day-to-day life, books and study guides for congregations and insightful articles featuring MCC peacebuilding projects from all over the world.

Together, let’s make peace more than a wish!

Story Location CanadaApr 2024

Story theme list

Featured Story

Peace is more than a wish with some strangers

Talking to strangers makes us happier, less lonely and more engaged with the world in ways that reduce prejudice and stereotypes. It allows us to see others as less of a threat, viewing those unfamiliar people as simply human – just like us. When we feel connected to those around us, even if it's with strangers we only encounter once, we are less likely to respond to uncertainty or difference with fear and suspicion, but rather with increased curiosity and empathy. These responses are the foundations of peacebuilding.  

For Christians, this echoes the biblical messages about community and the imperative to see and treat others as bearers of God's image. Engaging with others changes them. It also changes us in a beautiful way.  

Three people walk down a road

More Stories

Every month, join us on a learning journey where Anna Vogt shares what she is learning about topics related to peacebuilding from MCC staff and partners. 

Anna is the co-director of MCC Canada’s Peace & Justice Office. Through her work, she has witnessed ordinary people from all over the world build peace rooted in faith, fail at building peace, start again, learn from and laugh with one another. We can do this too, right here at home, starting slow and small.

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