Around the world, families and individuals are forced from their homes by conflict, poverty, hunger or disaster. As compassionate people of faith, we are called to help them find safety and rebuild their lives.

Will you answer God’s call and welcome a stranger today?

Families fleeing conflict and disaster are counting on your compassionate giving. Through your generous support of our sponsorship program, we can welcome refugees who have no prospect of returning home. We can give them the hope and safety they deserve.

This year, MCC is planning to bring 30 displaced families—that’s 100 people—to begin their new, safe lives right here in British Columbia.

In addition to the living costs funded by sponsorship groups:

$1,600 covers MCC program costs to bring one person in need to Canada

$5,500 covers MCC program costs to bring one family in need to Canada

These are generous gifts that change lives. But did you know that whatever amount you give, no matter how small, is life-changing?

That’s because your gift joins the donations of others giving in love and grows. Together, your impact grows. As a community of faith, you touch more lives than you’ll ever know.

Please give. Share the blessings of the Thanksgiving season with vulnerable people around the world!

This Thanksgiving, you can change a life.

When you support MCC, you give displaced people hope.