MCC Film Screening of "Women Will Renew" (Harrisonburg, VA)

Join MCC for a film screening of “Women Will Renew,” a short film on women's empowerment and climate change in Zimbabwe by Christy Kauffman.

Friday, August 18
7:00 - 8:00PM EDT

Harrisonburg Mennonite Church
1552 S High St
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Estados Unidos

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A woman in Zimbabwe stands with her arm raised. A woman in Zimbabwe stands with her arm raised.

The film “Women Will Renew,” created by MCC Multimedia Producer Christy Kauffman, tells the story of two community leaders who are committed to empowering women and providing clean energy solutions within their community in Mwenezi District, Zimbabwe.

Following the 15-minute film will be a discussion and Q&A with the film's producer and climate advocates from MCC and the local Harrisonburg community. Conversation will focus on how you and your congregation or community can take local action to care for creation and support MCC as we accompany our partners who are impacted by climate change.

PLUS, MCC staff will provide an outdoor demonstration featuring a fuel-efficient stove, like the ones featured in the film, that MCC staff brought to the U.S. from Zimbabwe. Come see firsthand the difference it makes over the traditional three-stone cooking method!

This event is free and open to the public. Registration is optional but encouraged.

For more information, contact

Meet one of our event speakers!

A black and white portrait of a young woman

Christy Kauffman

As a media producer for Mennonite Central Committee U.S., she is passionate about telling the stories of local grassroots organizations who are striving to improve lives in the contexts they know best. Christy lives in Lancaster, PA and is always looking to tell stories of peacebuilders and especially loves the chance to highlight and learn from incredible women.