We Are All Treaty People Celebration

Come out for an afternoon of music and dance by Indigenous and non-Indigenous performers, information about Treaties, Indigenous arts and crafts, free food, family-friendly games and fun!

Sunday, September 17
1:00 - 4:00PM CDT

The Forks Centre Field
1 Forks Market Road
Winnipeg MB R3C 4X1

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An Indigenous woman in traditional clothing dances and waves a scarf in the air while onlookers watch. An Indigenous woman in traditional clothing dances and waves a scarf in the air while onlookers watch.

The We Are All Treaty People Celebration will be held on Sunday, September 17 from 1-4 pm at the Forks Centre Field in Winnipeg! A Pipe & Water ceremony will start at 12 noon. All are welcome.


  • Andrina Turenne
  • Jeremy Koz (Indian City)
  • Winnipeg Poet Laureate Chimwemwe Undi 
  • Walking Wolf Dancers
  • And many others

The event is an opportunity for settlers and newcomers to join together with Indigenous People in celebrating the kinship relationship forged by the signing of the Treaties, to share in the richness of these cultures through the arts, and to honour the Treaty commitment to share the land together in a good way.

A limited number of vendor tables will be available for Indigenous artisans and crafters.

For more information, contact MCC's Indigenous Neighbours program coordinator at 204-925-1911 or IndigenousNeighbours@mccmb.ca.

An Indigenous elder speaks into a microphone during an outside event.
Anishinaabe Elder Harry Bone speaks about the original spirit and intent of Treaties to participants gathered at the We Are All Treaty People Celebration commemoration in 2021. Jim Compton (right) served as emcee for the gathering. Photo courtesy of Duncan McNairnay

Watch the 2021 We Are All Treaty People Celebration


This event is orga­nized by Men­non­ite Cen­tral Com­mit­tee Man­i­to­ba, Win­nipeg Quak­ers, TRC Action Com­mit­tee Unit­ed Church, Dio­cese of Rupert’s Land (Angli­can) and in part­ner­ship with the Treaty Rela­tions Com­mis­sion of Man­i­to­ba (TRCM).