Global Voices Tour: Climate action for peace (Reedley, California)

The Anabaptist Climate Collaborative and MCC will be hosting two international speakers to share about the ways their communities are finding climate solutions and how you can get involved!

Thursday, February 15
2:00 - 3:30PM PST

Sierra View Homes, King's Canyon Dining Room
1155 E. Springfield Ave.
Reedley, CA 93654
Estados Unidos

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Woman stands beside water tank, smiling. Woman stands beside water tank, smiling.

Around the world, MCC’s partners work to support people in adapting to the challenges of climate change. Climate change is making difficult situations even worse.

To work for just and durable peace is to name, dismantle and transform structures and legacies of injustice, including those that contribute to differential impacts of climate change around the world.

The Anabaptist Climate Collaborative and MCC will be hosting Caroline Pugeni and Victor Odinda in the U.S. as a way to highlight the experiences of their local communities and provide opportunities for you to get involved! 

Date: Feb. 15

Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Location: In the King's Canyon Dining Room of the Sierra View Homes, Reedley, California

For more information, email


Caroline Pugeni, Zimbabwe

Woman standing outside near bushes with hands on hips.

Caroline has worked as Program Director for Score Against Poverty (SCORE), a grassroots women-led organization headquartered in the heart of Mwenezi district, Zimbabwe, for over a decade. Caroline has a degree in urban development, management, and project planning and she is currently pursuing a Master's in gender and policy studies. In her role with SCORE, she orchestrates the organization's strategic direction, spearheads resource mobilization, and ensures the seamless execution of SCORE's vision and mission. Caroline leads a diverse team, encompassing responsibilities such as annual and strategic program planning, budgeting, staff development, and fostering critical partnerships. SCORE Against Poverty, an MCC partner, is a dynamic force in the fight against poverty and climate change in Zimbabwe.




Victor Odinda, Cambodia

Man standing beside plant.

Victor has worked as a Climate Solutions Partner Advisor for MCC Cambodia since April 2023. Previously, he has worked as a program management professional for various NGOs and consultancies in Kenya and Cambodia. In his role Victor advises local community development partners on design, planning, and implementation of projects related to sustainable climate solutions. Victor has a degree in economics, offering an extra perspective on the socioeconomic dynamics that result from climate change at the community level. Victor lives in Phnom Penh but works with partners spread across other provinces in Cambodia. During the itineration he will tell stories about communities that work with MCC development partners to find sustainable solutions to the effects of climate change.