Hear from Sara Wyngaarden, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator in Guatemala, as she shares stories about MCC's work in Guatemala.
Tuesday, January 23
12:00 - 1:00PM EST
Community Room
203-50 Kent Ave.
Kitchener ON N2G 3R1
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Learn about MCC's work in Guatemala
Decolonizing development is necessary to address the colonial legacies that contribute to injustices faced by Indigenous populations around the world, including in Guatemala. During this lunch-and-learn, Sara Wyngaarden, the Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (PMER) Coordinator for MCC in Guatemala/El Salvador, will reflect on how using a localization model in MCC’s international programming has fostered decolonization processes both for MCC and MCC Guatemala partner, the New Dawn Association of Santiago Atitlán.
If you're unable to join the Lunch and Listen in person, consider joining the livestream on Facebook here.