Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about MCC's Christmas Giving guide.

Is your question not answered here? Please call MCC at 1-888-563-4676 (U.S.) or 1-888-622-6337 (Canada) and we’ll be glad to help.

Yes! Anyone can give a gift, including individuals, organizations, church groups and families. In early November, we will be offering a resource about generosity for families to use alongside the giving guide that includes colourable cards for kids.

Access the online Christmas Giving guide. If you received a copy of the Christmas Giving Guide via postal mail, you can complete the included return envelope with your gift. You can also buy a gift by calling MCC at 1-888-563-4676 (U.S.) or 1-888-622-6337 (Canada).

Yes, you will receive a charitable donation receipt for your gift. You can choose to get your receipt immediately via email or a consolidated receipt at the end of the year, sent via postal mail.

You can speak with an MCC staff person by calling 1-888-563-4676 (U.S.) or 1-888-622-6337 (Canada). We’ll be happy to help you.

You can order printed cards by calling MCC at 1-888-563-4676 (U.S.) or 1-888-622-6337 (Canada). Please order printed cards by December 1 to receive them before Christmas. Cards may be available after that date, but we cannot guarantee you will receive them in time.

We send the printed cards to you, and you are responsible to give or send them to whoever you want. Each card comes with an insert that features a picture and description of the gift you have chosen.

We are aiming to have electronic cards available for you to use by Nov. 4. You can call MCC at 1-888-563-4676 (U.S.) or 1-888-622-6337 (Canada) to request a PDF version of any available cards which we can email to you.

Your gift will make a difference for someone in need in one of the more than 40 countries where MCC works. Our partners work with the local community to identify who is most vulnerable. Each person’s story in the giving guide is representative of MCC’s work. Your donations will support similar projects.

When you choose a gift of livestock, you are providing nutrition and a source of income for someone in need. MCC sources the animals locally and provides training for the person receiving them. We do not ship live animals overseas.

Each gift is the average cost to purchase that item. In some countries, the item may cost more or less. In cases where donations exceed what is needed, or where local conditions prevent program implementation, MCC will redirect funds to similar activities to help people in need.