2022/2023 Annual Impact Report - Alberta
Thank you from MCC Alberta's executive director
As we reflect upon the previous year’s work of MCC Alberta, I want to thank you for your ongoing support for the work of relief, development, and peace we do here and around the world.
Last year was an unprecedented year. With wars in Ukraine and Ethiopia, famine in East Africa, and a major earthquake in Türkiye and Syria, the toll of human suffering is great. Add on over 100 million displaced persons and over 800 million facing food insecurity, the thought of discussing impact seems futile.
And yet, Jesus reminds us that the kingdom of God doesn’t work the way we often think it should. The impact of God’s kingdom is not revealed through large, grand acts to be viewed by all, but is made known like a mustard seed growing into a tree and yeast working its way through flour.
And so, while the challenges facing the world loom large, your acts of compassion, kindness, and mercy, give us much to celebrate! Thank you for making a kingdom impact in this world, whether through donating to a specific crisis, supporting the general budget, volunteering at one of our thrift stores, or visiting with newcomers or an ex-offender. The impact of your work, the social return on your investment, points to the work of Christ in the world.
Thank you!
Ryan Siemens
Executive Director, MCC Alberta

Highlights from MCC Alberta
Development highlights
Connecting urban and rural communities.
Grow Hope is a partnership between MCC, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Alberta farmers and donors. This program works to alleviate food insecurity for the 783 million people worldwide experiencing hunger.
Through the partnership, 325 acres were sponsored and $310, 911 was raised! Funds raised through the project may be matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government, multiplying the impact of every donation! Thank you to the Grow Hope farmers and the donors who partner with them!
A summer tradition of supporting MCC’s work.
Once again, we are amazed at the generosity of our donors and their family and friends. This year we saw a total of 14 participants and teams who fenced,
biked, read and rode their horse to raise $111,150, including the $50,000 match generously provided by the Flaman Foundation.
Thank you to the amazing participants for spending their time doing what they love for relief, development and peace.

Donor profile
Ron Esau is part of Wheels of Waterton, a group of cyclists who have been raising funds each year through GO!100. "We are just so happy to participate in GO!100 because it’s so good to mix what we love to do with a good cause. We have such a high regard for MCC, for the work that is raising up Jesus’ name. People know that they are giving to a good cause and it’s making a difference."
Program highlights
Striving for reconciliation and healthier relationships is at the core of our work. Given the history of colonization, abuse, and discrimination against Indigenous Peoples, MCCA has been diligently working on seeking new connections, partnerships, and opportunities to foster respectful and restored relationships between our constituency and local Indigenous communities. Thank you for supporting MCCA reconciliation work!
Thanks to translation services 197 individuals were able to access government financial and health care services. Online and in-person job boards were viewed a total of 1,467 times, increasing access to employment. Thank you for supporting those seeking referrals, housing and education for themselves and their families.
MCC Alberta’s Migration and Resettlement program was honoured to welcome 50 individuals from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Syria to Calgary and Edmonton. With our donors’ and sponsors’ support, families were brought together again. Thank you to all of our sponsors for dedicating your time and money towards changing the lives of families fleeing instability and waiting for a fresh start.
Partnerships with educational institutions like Menno Simons, Ambrose University and Kings University continue to be a space for youth and young adult engagement. Over 70 youth were reached during the 8 events that MCC Alberta participated in. Connections with partnering organizations gave us the opportunity to share about our local programming and international work.
Circle volunteers supported 8 core members seeking to live responsible, productive, healthy lives. We celebrated a graduation and in September, MCC Alberta’s CoSA program expanded to Edmonton. Thank you to our volunteers who gave 134 hours and our donors for supporting offenders on their journey to rebuild their lives.
Thrift highlights

The Edmonton Thrift Shop (ETS) and the Islamic Family and Social Services Association (IFSSA) have a unique partnership. IFSSA donors are encouraged to donate their used goods to ETS and in return, the shop has created a voucher system for their newcomer clients. The shop also has a dedicated modest fashion section and a donor experience that makes people feel welcome. (Photo courtesy of Sumaira Farooq, IFSSA)

The Lethbridge Thrift Shop works together with Lethbridge Family Services to support newcomers and Ukrainian evacuees. They offer gift cards to the agency who in turn give the cards to those needing to furnish their homes and purchase clothing for their families. We use gift cards to ensure anonymity for the recipients which allows for greater integrity and respect for the clients.
Church connection highlights
There are 57 churches engaged with MCC Alberta, from High Level in the North, to Pincher Creek in the South. We are blessed to work alongside churches from our member conferences and beyond, who share a desire to follow Christ at home and around the world. MCC is an arm for relief, development, and peace in ways that reflect each congregation. Our churches are widely engaged with MCC Alberta, donating finances, volunteering time, packing kits and sewing quilts, as well as responding to crisis, sponsoring newcomers and remaining up to date with MCC’s stories and programs.
Engaging with our churches has been a joy and one of the highlights was being able to share MCC’s work through 19 speaking engagements in congregations. Other connections include over 169 personal phone calls or emails to church offices and leaders, attendence at 3 denominational AGM’s and 20 personalized reports sent to churches.
We were excited to have 4 in-person events including a Fall Festival at Bergthal Mennonite Church, a pastor’s breakfast event in both Calgary and Edmonton, and a Donor Appreciation event at Foothills Mennonite Church. We are so grateful for the dedication of our supporting churches and their members.
Financial highlights
MCC Alberta saw its donors’ generosity abound this year! Grow Hope more than doubled from last year, with contributions for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank increasing 41% year over year. Our donors responded with empathy to the conflict in Ukraine and instability in Syria raising $658,463 for relief. We were excited to host the MCC Alberta Fall Festival which raised $94,074 through an auction and meal. The 2023 fiscal year saw huge investments in Thrift with a renovation to the Taber Shop and the purchase of a second building to serve as a donation centre for our Lethbridge location. Thank you for your ongoing passion and generosity this year for the work of MCC.
$8,345,975 Total expenses | $3,990,664 Forwarded to MCC Canada for Intl. programs | $2,186,474 Thrift |
$943,716 Administration | $784,473 Development | $440,648 Local programs |

$4,855,155 Donations | $3,483,369 Thrift | $157,137 Material resources |
$102,466 Relief sales | $60,416 Government grants | $48,297 Other |

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