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Dichosos los que trabajan por la paz, porque serán llamados hijos de Dios. – Mateo 5:9
Este campamento de construcción de paz se llevará a cabo en la hermosa isla de Puerto Rico. Descubriremos las varias formas en las que el colonialismo se encarna en la vida diaria, además de explorar prácticas para combatirlo y revertirlo. Durante la semana, el grupo estudiará capacidades interculturales y la equidad racial, el desarrollo comunitario, la hospitalidad bíblica, y la teología de paz y su aplicación en la vida actual.
La experiencia incluye visitas a varias organizaciones locales trabajando en proyectos transformativos y, de por cierto, una visita a la playa en el Caribe. Todos los días comenzarán con un estudio bíblico para ayudar a aplicar los aprendizajes a nuestras vidas y así considerar una vida cristo-céntrica que busca la resistencia y la sanación del mundo.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. – Matthew 5:9
This Peace Camp is set on the breath-taking island of Puerto Rico, where participants will discover the ways colonialism is embedded in our every-day lives and explore practices for countering it. Throughout the week, we’ll study intercultural competence and racial equity, grassroots community building and the transformative practice of hospitality as we wrestle with peace theology and its application on the ground.
The week will include visits to various organizations engaged in transformational work on the island, as well as a bit of free time to dip our toes in the Caribbean! A Christ-centered approach to scripture will center each day and help participants connect their faith to the realities they see around them, inviting them towards a Christ-led narrative of resistance and healing.
**This experience will be facilitated entirely in Spanish. All participants need to have a minimum level of proficiency to be able to understand and engage fully.
Peace Camps are one-week, hands-on learning experiences for young adults hungry to connect with other young adults, root themselves in intentional, theological reflection and apply that to real-world work of peace and justice in their communities.
We recognize funding is often a barrier for young adults so MCC will be covering all costs of travel, lodging and meals and each participant will be expected to cover a $200 registration fee. We encourage churches, schools, families and friends to support participants in the registration fee where possible also.
If you are a young adult, please consider joining us on one of these experiences, or tap shoulders to get young adults you know involved!
Peace camps are open to young adults ages 18-30.
Contact Jes Stoltzfus Buller, MCC Peace Education Coordinator, at